MMA vs Pankration - Poland vs Latvia (Team Fighting Championships) Commentary
MMA vs Pankration - Poland vs Latvia (Team Fighting Championships) Commentary

The Latvia Pankration Federation (LPF) from Riga, Latvia to take on the Polish MMA fighters from Chorzow, Poland. This is an epic team mixed martial arts brawl filled with some amazing grappling and amazing Polish Psycho Fans teamwork. Big shoutout to the Team Fighting Championship (TFC) for their amazing fights. This is the final fight of season 2. Let us know if you want to see more! Timecodes: 0:35 Rules of the fight; 1:43 Women dancing before the fight; 3:16 Latvians come out; 3:57 Poles come out; 5:00 Fight starts; 7:34 Winner announced; 10:24 Luk vs Janka (Janis Ginters); 11:41 Medved (Igor Kostins) vs Janek; 12:53 Riha vs Laciano; 13:47 Kuvulda (Nikita Petrovs) vs Hajer; 15:34 Slavyanin (Juriy Vishnevskiy) vs Albinos Please subscribe to them and support them: Leave a comment, press a like, and please send me more stuff to watch and analyze. Love you all! Please subscribe for more!

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