Suicide goal between Argentina and Paraguay
Suicide goal between Argentina and Paraguay

Paraguay scored suicide goal in a thrilling match between Argentina and Paraguay #world_cricket_lover.

Le FC Barcelone poursuit son mercato de folie | Revue de presse
Le FC Barcelone poursuit son mercato de folie | Revue de presse

Les Three Lions confrontés à une nouvelle polémique «Nous continuerons à mettre un genou au sol» titre ce matin le Daily Express. Des propos tenus en conférence de presse par Gareth Southgate, le sélectionneur britannique. Opposés à l'Autriche mercredi du côté du Riverside Stadium de Middlesbrough, des sifflets sont descendus des gradins lorsque les joueurs ont mis un genou au sol avant le coup d'envoi. Un comportement que les Lions ont décidé d'ignorer et comme l'indique The Daily Telegraph, la sélection britannique ne compte pas changer sa façon de faire et devrait continuer d'agir ainsi durant l'Euro. Enfin, le Daily Star n'hésite pas, ce matin, à charger ces spectateurs, les traitants d'abrutis. Pas forcément la meilleure façon de préparer sereinement un championnat d'Europe où l'Angleterre pourrait avoir son mot à dire sur le terrain. Le FC Barcelone poursuit sa grande révolution La saison qui vient de s'écouler semble déjà oubliée du côté du FC Barcelone. «Objectif Laporte» titre ce matin SPORT en une de son édition. Alors que les Catalans ont déjà enregistré l'arrivée de Sergio Agüero, d'Emerson et d'Eric Garcia, le journal espagnol nous apprend que l'objectif serait désormais d'aller piocher une nouvelle fois à Manchester City. SPORT ajoute d'ailleurs que Sergi Roberto pourrait être inclus dans la transaction afin de faire baisser le prix du néo-international espagnol. Un mercato qui pourrait aussi voir l'arrivée du milieu de Liverpool Georginio Wijnaldum. Alors que le PSG est entrée dans la course à la signature du Néerlandais, Mundo Deportivo explique ce matin que le Barça ne devrait pas revoir son offre à la hausse et pourrait compter sur Koeman pour convaincre son compatriote de rallier la Catalogne. Une idée qui pourrait également être appliqué dans le dossier Memphis Depay, puisque selon le quotidien pro-Barça, le technicien néerlandais pourrait être la clé pour les deux qui, pour rappel, sont libres de s'engager où ils le souhaitent cet été. L'Italie endeuillée après la disparition d'un ancien espoir de l'AC Milan C'est un drame qui a bouleversé le pays tout entier en commençant par le monde du football. «Le suicide de Seid et le rêve d'un but à San Siro» titre d'ailleurs La Gazetta dello Sport, ce matin. Passée par les équipes de jeunes de l'AC Milan, Seid Visin, un jeune éthiopien adopté par une famille italienne, s'est donné la mort vendredi à son domicile. Le garçon de 20 ans a laissé une lettre pour expliquer son geste : «j'ai senti la haine sur ma peau. Où que j’aille, où que je sois, je ressens le poids des regards sceptiques, biaisés, dégoûtés et effrayés des gens.» Des propos repris par l'ensemble de la presse italienne ce matin à l'image de La Repubblica, d'Il Resto di Carlino ou encore du quotidien milanais Libero. «Je ne veux pas que les gens soient désolés pour moi, je veux juste me rappeler que les épreuves et les souffrances que je vis ne sont qu’une goutte d’eau par rapport à l’océan de souffrance vécu par ceux qui préfèrent mourir au lieu de mener une existence dans la misère et l’enfer.» Un hommage mais surtout un questionnement pour toute une nation qui peine à se dépêtrer du racisme depuis de nombreuses années et qui semble-t-il a encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir avant de passer à autre chose. Pour ne plus rien manquer des nouvelles vidéos Foot Mercato : Abonne-toi ! ► Notre site Internet ► #TeamFootMercato

दुखो के बीच चेतन सकारिया  को  मिली बड़ी खुशखबरी
दुखो के बीच चेतन सकारिया को मिली बड़ी खुशखबरी

#ipl #ChetanSakariya Friends, Rajasthan Royals fast bowler Chetan Sakaria has broken a mountain of grief, however in the meantime he has also been given a big reward, let me tell you that his father died due to Kovid-19 infection. Chetan's father was fighting a war against Corona for a few days. After the postponement of IPL 2021, Chetan reached Bhavnagar in Gujarat, where his father was undergoing treatment. This fast bowler had invested the money received in this season of the IPL for the treatment of his father. He came to know last week that his father was fighting a war against Corona. Chetan Sakaria had said that he would put the entire earnings from this season of IPL for better treatment of his father . However his father could not escape. Rajasthan bought this player for 1.2 crore rupees. Friends, a few days ago, Chetan's brother also committed suicide and gave up his life, and Chetan recovered from the grief that now his father also left Chetan, Friends, in the meantime, bcci has announced the tour of Sri Lanka to Team India, where India's B team will go to Sri Lanka and play ODI and T20 matches there, then in this B team, chairman of bcci, Sourav Ganguly has said that Chetan Sakariya He will also go to Sri Lanka with the Indian team, he will be included in the team as a fast bowler, Friends, Chetan has never given any news among the mountain of sorrows, bcci has tried to reduce his sorrows so that Chetan can fulfill his father's dream soon, now hope Chetan will redeem this opportunity well and Perform well and make a place in Team India

The Super League : Football Suicide !!
The Super League : Football Suicide !!

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WWE Star & Actor John Cena Talks Shaq's AEW Debut, the New Suicide Squad Movie & More | NBA on TNT
WWE Star & Actor John Cena Talks Shaq's AEW Debut, the New Suicide Squad Movie & More | NBA on TNT

WWE legend, actor, author and all-around Renaissance Man John Cena drops by Studio J to talk with Shaq, Candace, Chris Webber and Lefkoe about his new ...

TDFC7: Адос - Барс, Беспрецедентный – Рябой | Полусредний вес
TDFC7: Адос - Барс, Беспрецедентный – Рябой | Полусредний вес

Промокод TOPDOG Инстаграм турнира Телеграм канал турнира (заявки на участие) Для коммерческих запросов: Регбист Рефери Музыка в начале ролика: Kaito Shoma— Храни Традиции ( Сандибек «Адос» Шахвердиев Абубасир «Барс» Музыка на выход Адоса: HEARSE.T - Cant Hang Музыка на выход Барса: NORTMIRAGE – PAKMANE Музыка в повторах: NXVV - Aesthetic GIOVANE SIX - PEEK A SUICIDE w/ PRESSURE SVARDSTAL - TRIGGER Влад «Беспрецедентный» Крылов Юрий Рябой Музыка на выход Беспрецедентного: Lil ugly mane - no slack in my mack Музыка на выход Рябого: calm boy - CYBERPUNK 2077 Музыка в повторах: GHOSTFACE PLAYA - I DONT GIVE A FUCK (feat. PHARMACIST) Оператор постановщик: Стас Амбарцумов Художник постановщик: Мария Панкова Режиссёр монтажа: Ломоносов Никита Цветокоррекция: Рамиль Галиулин Техническое обеспечение: STGFILMSERVICE Художник по свету: Белоусов Степан Оператор пульта: Влад Иршонков Кейгрип: Бочковский Виталий Осветители: Акимов Павел, Таранец Роман, Атака Автомото, Хасянов Ринат


Lamelo Ball drives to the basket but gets tripped up and falls on his right hand. Although he would continue to play, doing almost everything on the court exclusively with his left, after the game, the diagnosis came out to be a season ending fracture, confirming the worst fears for the Hornets franchise. Lamelo is the latest high profile player to get injured and miss a significant portion of the season after Anthony Davis, Joel Embiid, and Lebron James of course. Let me explain how this changes the landscape for awards such as rookie of the year, MVP and Most improved player as well, and why this is the nightmare scenario for the NBA. What up everybody my name is Stefan and this is Heat Check. Let’s get into it. Let’s start off with the MVP situation. The Lebron James media mafia kept mentioning him, and building his case and pushing the narrative for the king as a serious candidate, even though there are a lot of players just as deserving if not more than him this season. The campaign grew even stronger after Joel Embiid got injured. Completely disregarding players like Jokic who is averaging a damn near triple double double, all that while being within 3 games of Lebron’s Lakers. Or Damian Lillard, who has been holding this Blazers team with duct tape from falling apart, after injuries to both Nurkic and CJ Mccollum at the start of the season. Also with the same record as the Nuggets. And I have to mention the reigning MVP Giannis, who’s been on fire lately, leading the Bucks to 11 wins in their last 12 games. So now the plot thickens. I cannot remember the last time that the MVP race has been this wide open. And all these injuries could have huge implications. For example the next few games for the Lakers are looking scary. Even the Magic look like the favorites against this remaining LA roster. By the time Lebron gets back, how far will they fall in the standings? One important thing to keep an eye on in this whole situation however is the fact that James has a miraculous track record when it comes to ankle injuries. Throughout his career, there have been 8 times where he injured his ankle. And he missed a grand total of only 3 games before this one. So I don’t know, the fact that he was able to at least play a bit more after the injury, and given the situation that the Lakers are in, I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets back on the court sooner rather than later, and with that continue his pursuit for the MVP. And the latest news on Embiid from the always reliable Chams Charania is that Joel is feeling much better than expected in these first few days from his injury. So he might also push to come back in a sixers uniform. But the people at the NBA offices are sort of biting their nails watching this, as they definitely wouldn’t want their superstars to rush things and get back too early to a point where they possibly re-aggravate their injuries just in time for the playoffs- when it matters the most of course. So although Adam Silver and company are happy that a lot of players are performing at a high level and the race for the most valuable player is competitive, the injuries of the elite such as Bron, AD and Joel are making things extremely scary for them. The thought of a conference finals between the Jazz and the Nuggets for example is suicidal for the TV ratings. As much as a basketball purist like me would love that to happen. And they’ll never admit this, but having the Lakers be in it at the end, is what the league wants and needs. And for that to happen, both Lebron and Anthony Davis have to be healthy come playoff time. With all that being said however, there is a real possibility that these top 2 MVP candidates miss a lot of time in the regular season, and the award to be won by another player as a partial consequence of the injuries. Which leads us to the Rookie of the year debate where if everything stays the same, it’s almost definitive that Anthony Edwards is now the favorite to win it, solely as a result of this new situation and the injury that Lamelo suffered. Check this out. They have been neck and neck when it comes to scoring throughout the entire season, however Ball has been outstanding with his 6 assists per game, helping get Charlotte in the playoff picture, when nobody could even dream about it happening. So there was no doubt up until this point who’s been the best rookie. However, missing almost half of the remaining season, removes a player from the conversation almost by default. Guys like Tyrese Halliburton who I really love, and Immanuel Quickley who I’ve already made a video about are now all of a sudden also in the Rookie of the year debate, alongside James Wiseman. But again, if you give truth serum to some of the lead guys in the NBA offices, they’ll admit that the ideal scenario would be for a flashy guy like Lamelo to win it, all while transforming a losing franchise into a playoff team.

Иван «Охранник» vs. Якин «TJ» | TDFC7
Иван «Охранник» vs. Якин «TJ» | TDFC7

Промокод TOPDOG Инстаграм турнира Телеграм канал турнира (заявки на участие) Для коммерческих запросов: Регбист Якин “TJ” Мукадамшоев Иван «Охранник» Мошкарев Музыка в начале ролика: Kaito Shoma— Храни Традиции ( Музыка на выход Ивана: SHADXWEVIL - ETERNITY Музыка на выход Якина: GIOVANE SIX - PEEK A SUICIDE w/ PRESSURE Музыка в повторах: $CREW - DO YOU WANNA SEE THE LIGHT? VIDLIK - BLAZE THA BLUNT GHOSTFACE PLAYA - SWAGGIN' AT THE PARTMENT Оператор постановщик: Стас Амбарцумов Художник постановщик: Мария Панкова Режиссёр монтажа: Ломоносов Никита Цветокоррекция: Рамиль Галиулин Техническое обеспечение: STGFILMSERVICE Художник по свету: Белоусов Степан Оператор пульта: Влад Иршонков Кейгрип: Бочковский Виталий Осветители: Акимов Павел, Таранец Роман, Атака Автомото, Хасянов Ринат

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