The homers are flying! The Phillies just can't be stopped by the Texas Rangers
The homers are flying! The Phillies just can't be stopped by the Texas Rangers

The Phillies are rolling as they are now 22 games over .500 and breaking records left and right! We have a jam packed show ...

【 阪神公式戦LIVE 】 5/23 阪神タイガース 対 広島東洋カープ プロ野球一球実況で一緒にみんなで応援ライブ #全試合無料ライブ配信 #阪神ライブ #中野拓夢 #ライブ #10000試合
【 阪神公式戦LIVE 】 5/23 阪神タイガース 対 広島東洋カープ プロ野球一球実況で一緒にみんなで応援ライブ #全試合無料ライブ配信 #阪神ライブ #中野拓夢 #ライブ #10000試合

試合日程:2024年5月23日 MAZDAZoom-Zoomスタジアム広島 試合開始 PM18時~ 先発 西勇輝 順位 1位 阪神🐯プロ野球応援📣生中継⚾一球実況系VTuber「ちろる」です🐯 応援歌✨ヒッティングマーチ(12球団全選手完備)✨登場曲(12球団随時追加中)✨をしっかり制作!そして流します。 登場動画✨も随時制作、応援に合わせて流します。 オープニング動画✨スタメン発表✨から、可愛い小虎の「ちろる」の詳しい解説実況と合わせてご覧ください。  🐯ちろるからのご案内🐯 ▼『ちろるチャンネル』チャンネル登録 ▼『ちろリスト』 【メンバー】になりたい方(メンバーシップのご案内) ▼ちろるんLINEスタンプ販売 ▼TikTok かわいい選手紹介動画など ▼Twitch 阪神岡田監督一問一答配信 🐯Digvoiceでも同時配信中(インストール先のご案内)🐯 ▼iOS ▼Android  ※無料でダウンロードできます ※超低遅延(YouTubeより数秒速い)、バックグラウンド再生にも対応 🐯本日、ちろるが視聴してる中継もご案内🐯 ▶JSPORTS1 HD ※今日の試合は「HTV広島テレビ」「JSPORTSオンデマンド」で見れます ※試合中継は本配信では見れません ※映像は各自で用意してください(有料無料等のご確認は各自でお願いします) 🐯生配信内容🐯 プロ野球生中継一球実況YouTuberとして、ヒーローインタビューまで完全配信いたします。 阪神1軍・2軍の試合(1軍は全試合)、プロ野球1軍試合、WBCや侍ジャパンの試合など詳しく解説付きで配信します。 その他、セパ交流戦、MLB・NPBのホームランダービーからオールスター戦、シーズンオフには、ドラフト、現役ドラフト、12球団合同トライアウト、NPB AWARDS(NPBアワード)まで最後まで全て配信します。 そして、ファンと楽しむ12球団プロ野球ラジオや最新情報などもお届け。 365日✨生配信で、海外からもご覧いただけます。ぜひ一緒にご参加よろしくお願いします。 🐯ちろるよりご挨拶🐯 阪神🐯プロ野球一球実況🎤中継生配信を始めたのは、野球中継配信を見に行った時、選手や球団の誹謗中傷や批判しか無くて悲しくなり、それなら自分が楽しい配信を作ればいいと思って始めたのがきっかけです。 本チャンネル・配信では、阪神タイガースファン🐯プロ野球ファンだけでは無く、12球団のファンの方々が集まります。 主(ちろる自身)に、アンチはありません✨何処を応援しても大丈夫!好きな球団だけではなくて!プロ野球ファンの仲間をいっぱい増しましょう。 🐯🐯🐯注意事項(以下をよく読んだ上でご参加ください)🐯🐯🐯 1.コメントされる場合には、必ず「ご挨拶」をして下さい。 (はじめましてなど挨拶は基本です。主や参加してるリスナーさん、皆が気持ちイイ✨) 2.全球団の悪口・個人の選手への罵声・怒号などはブロックの対象になります。 ※暴言・中傷・言葉使いなどブロック対象です。 3.以下は、削除&タイムアウトになります。  a.試合実況配信中は、他チャンネルや他メディア、他の配信者さんや解説者やの方等の名前を出す。   (「○○の配信始まりましたよ」「○○見てます」「○○から来ました」「○○見に行きます」「〇〇さんが言ってました」等)  b.「HR!」「三振」等、試合内容のネタバレコメントをする   ネタバレコメントはは辞めてください。削除&タイムアウトです。  c.リスナーの定期や打順紹介などのコメントは禁止です。  d.応援以外の同じコメントの多投  e.実況内容と関係のない内容のコメント その他、自分のチャンネル及びTwitterなどSNSのフォロー呼びかけや、動画や配信のチャット欄告知、ゲームのフレンド募集などのチャット欄での宣伝や募集告知などもブロック削除の対象です 喧嘩、誹謗中傷、卑猥な発言等々もブロック削除の対象です 阪神ファンそして12球団ファンのリスペクトを忘れず、ぜひご参加のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。 🐯ご協力先🐯 ▼楽曲制作 ✨nao piano様 ・YouTube ・Twitter ▼イラスト制作 ✨カモやん様 ・Twitter ・インスタ ▼映像制作(オープニング・ラッキーセブン) ✨あまちゃづる様 Twitter YouTube ▼使用楽曲サイト(著作権フリーBGMサイト) ・HORT RECORD ・甘茶の音楽工房 ・DOVA-SYNDROME ・魔王魂 ・BENSOUND Music:  ・Dagger Heartsの名曲カバー道channel #JAPAN #JPN #侍ジャパン #野球 #NPB #阪神 #タイガース #HanshinTigers #ライブ #阪神LIVE #試合 #スポーツ中継 #生放送 #観戦 #速報 #実況 #解説 #ダイジェスト #ハイライト #スコア #甲子園 #かわいい #FAN #ファン集合 #vtuber #スターティングラインナップ #スタメン #JSPORTSオンデマンド #公式戦 #ペナントライブ #スカイAライブ #虎テレライブ #DAZNライブ #AmazonPrimeVideo #GAORASPORTS #ベースボールLIVE #マツダライブ #RakutenパリーグSpecialライブ #全試合無料ライブ配信 #佐藤輝明 #JSPORTSライブ #広島 #広島ライブ #広島東洋カープ #プロ野球ライブ #カープライブ #西勇輝 #10000試合目 #中野拓夢 #大山悠輔

Бодров VS Джахбаров. Маугли VS Грек. Никулин. Раха Андийский VS Ямалец. Бруклин. ЖЕНСКОЕ ГРАН-ПРИ
Бодров VS Джахбаров. Маугли VS Грек. Никулин. Раха Андийский VS Ямалец. Бруклин. ЖЕНСКОЕ ГРАН-ПРИ

Эксклюзивный бонус 500 по промокоду HARD от лучшего ГЕНЕРАЛЬНОГО ПАРТНЕРА. Залетай в наш Telegram-канал, активируй промокод и получай бонус на свой счет РЕАЛИТИ HFC FIGHT SHOW УЖЕ СКОРО НА КАНАЛЕ: Официальный партнер Hardcore Media – VK. Скачивайте новое приложение VK Видео: Erid: 2VtzqueRhVe Официальный партнер – PulseUp – твой заряд бодрости и энергии на весь день! Ощути прилив сил в каждом глотке: Erid: 2Vfnxy512V6 Знакомьтесь в Twinby. Ссылка на скачивание приложения👇🏼 🔥Виталий «Бодрый» Бодров VS Шамиль «Охотник» Джахбаров – ДОЛГОЖДАННАЯ БИТВА! 🔥Магомедали «Маугли» Магомедрасулов VS Асхаб «Грек» Магомедов — соглавный бой 🔥Раха Андийский VS Ямалец — X-SERIES 🔥Алёна Самоцупова VS Оксана «Малышка на миллиард» Харчикова — 1/4 ЖЕНСКОГО ГРАН-ПРИ 🔥Тигран «Бруклин» Матевосян и Тимур «Архангел» Никулин в комментаторской PRIDE UNITED — спорт для каждого: Обеспечение порядка на своих ивентах доверяем Легион Security: Телеграм-канал «Братские круги»: Подписывайтесь на HFC Shorts: Стать партнером Hardcore Media: Inst HFC MMA: Telegram: HARDSHOW: HardNews: #HFCMMA #HardcoreFighting #Хардкор 00:00 – Начало 03:24 – HFC FIGHT SHOW 04:14 – Самоцупова VS Малышка на миллиард 18:58 – Раха Андийский VS Ямалец 32:02 – Маугли VS Грек 46:28 – Бодров VS Джахбаров Track: BREVIS & Drama B - Work Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original: • BREVIS & Drama B - Work (Magic Free R... Free Download: Usage Policy: Track: Siedlecky - Groza Music provided by Beast Trap Watch:• Siedlecky - Groza... Free Download/Stream: Track: Spinner Sunny & Lucha & Benni Hunnit - Flexin Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original: • Spinner Sunny & Lucha & Benni Hunnit ... Free Download: Usage Policy: Track: Edgar Willow - In The Trap Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original: • Edgar Willow - In The Trap (Magic Fre... Free Download: Track:TRVNSPORTER & VØJ & Godmode & MXVH - Impact Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original:• TRVNSPORTER & VØJ... Free Download: Usage Policy: Royalty Free Music from Track: Emergency by Rage Sound

UNSTOPPABLE?! Ranger Suarez EXTENDS Historic 9-0 Start! Phillies vs Rangers Postgame (May 22nd)
UNSTOPPABLE?! Ranger Suarez EXTENDS Historic 9-0 Start! Phillies vs Rangers Postgame (May 22nd)

Ranger Suarez is on fire! The red-hot Phillies pitcher extended his incredible winning streak and record to 9-0 defeating Texas ...

A much needed offensive outburst in Cincinnati
A much needed offensive outburst in Cincinnati

Didn't record this after the game went final but it was good to see the Padres offense spray the ball around the field tonight ...

RCB crash out as RR finally break losing streak | Cheeka and PDogg Roast | IPL 2024 | Cheeky Cheeka
RCB crash out as RR finally break losing streak | Cheeka and PDogg Roast | IPL 2024 | Cheeky Cheeka

Experience Campa - புதிய India-வின் Cool Drink! For Tamil Click Here 👉 Experience Campa - Naye India Ka Apna Thanda: For Hindi Click Here 👉 Follow Campa On 📲: Instagram: Facebook: Welcome to Cheeky Cheeka!! In this video, we delve into the intense clash between RCB and RR along with our Special guest "Prasanna Agoram aka PDogg", breaking down key moments and analyzing player performances, and presenting the coveted "Cheeky Cheeka Awards" to standout players from the match. Stay tuned for comprehensive match previews and reviews throughout the IPL season! #Pdogg #rcbvsrr #rcbfans #viratkohli #eliminatormatch #ashwin #sanjusamson #trentboult #ani #cheeka Watch our recent previews and reviews below🏏 🏏 KKR Meet SRH in Qualifier 1 | Who will go through to the Final? - 🏏 RCB crush CSK hearts and do the Impossible - 🏏 Will Rain Play Spoil Sport in the Biggest Clash of the IPL? - 🏏 RR Lose 4 in a Row | Cheeky Cheeka Pyramid of Performance - 🏏 LSG say Bye Bye to Play Offs | RR Second Team to Qualify - 🏏 CSK & RCB Win | Andre Kanithaar Ani - Quarter Finals on 18 - 🏏 KKR Qualifies with Statement Victory - 🏏 Gill and Sai Sudarshan slam tons as GT Derails CSK - 🏏 King Kohli Keeps RCB Hopes Alive - 🏏 Head and Abhishek Broke the Record, Chasing in just 58 Balls - Follow me on: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram -

NHL '94 "Game of the Night" Stars @ Blues "The Brett Hull Story"
NHL '94 "Game of the Night" Stars @ Blues "The Brett Hull Story"

Brett Andrew Hull (born August 9, 1964) is a Canadian–American former ice hockey player and general manager, and currently an executive vice president of the St. Louis Blues of the National Hockey League (NHL). He played for the Calgary Flames, St. Louis Blues, Dallas Stars, Detroit Red Wings, and Phoenix Coyotes between 1986 and 2005. His career total of 741 goals is fifth highest in NHL history, and he is one of five players to score 50 goals in 50 games. He was a member of two Stanley Cup winning teams — 1999 with the Dallas Stars and 2002 with the Detroit Red Wings. In 2017 Hull was named one of the 100 Greatest NHL Players in history. Known as one of the game's greatest snipers, Hull was an elite scorer at all levels of the game. He played college hockey for the University of Minnesota-Duluth Bulldogs, where he scored 52 goals in 1985–86. He scored 50 the following year with the Moncton Golden Flames of the American Hockey League (AHL) and had five consecutive NHL seasons of at least 50 goals. His 86 goals in 1990–91 is the third-highest single-season total in NHL history, with the first two being the same person, Wayne Gretzky. Hull won the Hart Memorial Trophy and Lester B. Pearson Award that year as the league's most valuable player. He was named a first team all-star on three occasions and played in eight NHL All-Star Games. Having dual citizenship in Canada and the United States, (after being cut from Team Canada) Hull was eligible to play for the United States internationally and chose to join the American National Team. He was a member of the team that won the 1996 World Cup of Hockey and was a two-time Olympian, winning a silver medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Hull was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2009, joining his father Bobby Hull. They are the first father-son combination to each score either of 600 goals or 1,000 career points in the NHL. Hull's nickname, "the Golden Brett" is a reference to his father's nickname of "the Golden Jet". His jersey number 16 was retired by the St. Louis Blues in 2006. Hull was born August 9, 1964, in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. His father, Bobby, was a long-time professional hockey player in both the National Hockey League (NHL) and World Hockey Association (WHA). His mother, Joanne (McKay), was an American professional figure skater and taught him how to skate. He has three brothers, Bobby Jr., Blake, and Bart, and a younger sister, Michelle. Bart played professional football in the Canadian Football League (CFL). His uncle Dennis was also a longtime NHL player. As his father played for the NHL's Chicago Black Hawks, Hull spent his early life in Illinois, and he first played organized hockey in the Chicago area at age four. He and his brothers often skated with the Black Hawks where they watched their father play. The family moved back to Canada when Bobby signed with the original Winnipeg Jets, then in the WHA, in 1972. As a youth, Hull and teammate Richard Kromm played in the 1977 Quebec International Pee-Wee Hockey Tournament with the Winnipeg South Monarchs minor ice hockey team. He moved to Vancouver with his mother and two youngest siblings shortly before his parents' acrimonious divorce in 1979. Hull led St. Louis with 41 goals in 1988–89, but his poor skating and inattention to his defensive responsibilities concerned the club. Head coach Brian Sutter convinced Hull to improve his conditioning over the summer. He arrived to begin the 1989–90 season in much better shape and showed a marked improvement in his skating. Center Adam Oates, acquired over the summer, joined Hull on the top line. The pair, dubbed "Hull and Oates" as a play on the band Hall and Oates, were prolific scorers with Oates being an excellent passer and Hull being an excellent shooter. Hull scored 228 goals between 1989–90 and 1991–92, the second-highest three-season total of any player in NHL history, behind only Wayne Gretzky's 250 tallies between 1981–82 and 1983–84. He became the fifth player in NHL history to score 50 goals in 50 games in 1990–91, joining Maurice Richard, Mike Bossy, Gretzky, and Mario Lemieux—then repeated the feat in 1991–92. He led the league in goal scoring all three seasons and was named to the first All-Star team each year. He collected numerous league awards, winning the Lady Byng Memorial Trophy in 1990 as the league's most sportsmanlike player, then in 1991, won the Hart Memorial Trophy and Lester B. Pearson Award as the NHL's most valuable player as selected by the league and his fellow players respectively.[13] His total of 86 goals in 1990–91 is the third highest for a single season in NHL history, after Gretzky's 92 goals in 1981–82 and 87 in 1983–84. Oates left the Blues midway through the 1991–92 season, and while Hull's offensive production dropped, he remained the Blues' top offensive threat. He recorded his fourth and fifth consecutive 50-goal seasons, scoring 54 in 1992–93 and 57 in 1993–94.

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