A brief glimpse into the past

Scandal uriaș la RXF între Yamato și Dustinel, după meciul cu Bobicioiu! L-a bătut în fața tuturor
Scandal uriaș la RXF între Yamato și Dustinel, după meciul cu Bobicioiu! L-a bătut în fața tuturor

Scandal uriaș la Gala RXF Next Fighter! Yamato Zaharia l-a luat la bătaie pe Dustinel, în main event-ul serii, meciul dintre tik-toker și Cedy contra lui Alex Bobicioiu. Echipa WOWnews aflată la fața locului a surprins toate momentele tensionate din ring, dar și cele de dincolo de el. Yamato, în calitate de arbitru al întâlnirii, a încercat, de câteva ori, să îl atenționeze pe Dustinel, care apela la lovituri interzise, însă, cum procedeele nepermise au continuat, Yamato l-a scos cu forța pe Dustinel din cușcă. Din acel moment, s-au iscat tensiuni uriașe, Cedy a renunțat și el la luptă, iar organizatorii au anunțat că au suspendat meciul. Scandalul s-a mutat apoi la vestiare, unde s-a lăsat cu multe cuvinte grele și dezvăluri explozive. Declarațiile tuturor celor implicați și imagini în exclusivitate le puteți vedea dacă urmăriți emisiunea integral. 00:00 Intro 02:10 Alex Bobicioiu: “Nici eu n-am înțeles nimic din meciul ăsta” 03:30 Alex Bobicioiu: “Dustinel nu avea voie să mă lovească cu piciorul” 05:14 Alex Bobicioiu: “M-am simțit foarte bine pe ring, n-am avut deloc emoții” 09:17 Yamato Zaharia: “Am exagerat puțin, am întrecut măsura, dar n-am putut să mă înțeleg cu el” 10:19 Yamato Zaharia: “Dustinel a vorbit prost de tata, nu are deloc respect” #WOWnews #WOWbiz #GalaRFX #RFX #yamato #yamatozaharia #dustinel #Bobicioiu ____________________________________________________ 🎬 Fii la curent cu toate materialele EXCLUSIVE --- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo0M88fyb6ycJTD3l3JzKgOKtnaIWvl_P ✅ Daca ti-a placut acest material, ne poti ajuta cu un LIKE. Apreciem orice cometariu si share. 💬 🤝 __________________ 🤝 Nu uita sa te abonezi la canalele noastre de YouTube 🤝 ➥ Kanal D Romania: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD_R9fKyrQLxlDJsOwvGKyg?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Kanal D2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMR78JWAiliemJSyTjKGYtA?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ theXclusive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd2IRIEeE9JnLyfudilqpMQ?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Casa Iubirii: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgRHtJDaeVzQ_hW1-xzrTWw?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Bravo, ai stil!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU6MDXpQLzbeO3dqFsUYERg?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Tu Urmezi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8XdZrPVMf3Oc4HHM5gADlQ?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Ochii din umbra: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwH4KuXd8Uz47iC7XbkgMA?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ WOWnews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBKOsdx_59EFzKoxsd4LyHg?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Kfetele: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOiLiGntCCWoXY5hBfoBUKQ?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Radio Impuls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPnMJBg1xhSl_VmsyBgVlmg?sub_confirmation=1 ➥ Exatlon Romania: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc-VuEhFu32-vocsvJPzZCA?sub_confirmation=1 📢 Urmareste noutatile WOWnews si pe Social Media 📢 💯 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WOWbiz.ro 💡 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wownews.official/ 💥TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wowbiz.ro 💬 Whatsapp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va7usV405MUZ2LsC2b3O __________________ Ne puteti urmari si pe: 🌐 https://www.kanald.ro/ 🌐 https://kanald2.ro/ 🌐 https://www.stirilekanald.ro/ 🌐 https://www.wowbiz.ro/ 🌐 https://www.kfetele.ro/ 🌐 https://www.radioimpuls.ro/ Copyright © Toate drepturile rezervate | Dogan Media International _______________ ❗️❗️❗️ Dreptul de reproducere directă sau indirectă în presa scrisă a informațiilor din cadrul materialului video este permis cu mențiunea sursei, numele autorului și includerea link-ului către conținutul video. _______________ ℹ Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Reproducerea neautorizată reprezintă o încălcare a legilor aplicabile. Pentru a evita încălcarea drepturilor de autor, vă rugăm să nu încărcați/repostați acest conținut pe canalul dvs. _______________ ℹ All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this content on your channel.


UFAFANUZI April 10, 2023, straika Pa Omar Jobe aliondoka Neman Grodno akiwa huru na kujiunga na klabu ya Zhenis. Na sasa amejiunga Simba akiwa huru pia kutokea Zhenis inayoshiriki ligi ya Kazakhstan. Usisahau ku-subscribe, ku-comment na ku-like #pa omar jobe #babacarsarr #Baleke #Jamhuri #gsm #modewji #imoro #cortes #jezimpya #kramo #taifastars #kibu #adelamrouche #taifastars #livestreaming #jezimpya #mayele #hafiz #manara #pyramid #buza #dabi #derby #luismiquissone #yanga #mkude #leo #simba #mwananchi #jezimpya #mandonga #simbasc #skudu #lilepo #Yangasc #ngoma #mayele #simbaday #derby #barnaba #wasafibet #Mletemzungu #azamfc #chama #no6 #mtibwasugar #namungo #dabi #derby #job #dickson #kibabage #kariakoo #kiama #namungo #wydadathleticclub #riversunited #medeama #mkapastadium #mkapa #azamfc #tff #benjaminmkapa #marumogallant #inonga #onana #musonda #mahop #simbaday #yangaday #gamondi #mkwakwani #tanga #skudu #almerrikh #kramo #ihefu #afl #mbwaduke #sankara #msuva

Ondřej Novotný | S Karlosem zemřel kus mě | Z práv na Oktagon máme stovky tisíc euro
Ondřej Novotný | S Karlosem zemřel kus mě | Z práv na Oktagon máme stovky tisíc euro

Po Oktagonu 51 jsme si popovídali s Ondřejem Novotným, jedním z klíčových tváří Oktagonu, abychom prozkoumali svět zákulisí a úspěch tohoto fenomenálního eventu. 🌟 Ondřej nám prozradil, že díky prodeji práv dosahují příjmy Oktagonu až stovky tisíc eur, což je skvělý impuls pro český bojové sporty! 💰 Hovořili jsme také o epickém zápase mezi Karlosem Vémolou a Pirátem Krištofičem, který okázale ovládl arénu. 🏆 Ondřej nám rozkrýval jejich taktiku, strhující momenty a to, co tento souboj znamená pro českou bojovou scénu. 👊 V rozhovoru jsme se dotkli inspirace z UFC a jak Oktagon těží z mezinárodních trendů. Ondřej sdílel své vize a plány pro rozvoj Oktagonu v roce 2023, slibujíc ještě větší a vzrušující akce! 🚀 Celý rozhovor je plný emocí, strategií a nadšení pro budoucnost Oktagonu. Nezapomeňte sledovat celý rozhovor a být s námi na vlně vzrušení a úspěchu! 🎤🔥 #Oktagon51 #MMA #Rozhovor #OndřejNovotný"

TELH 2023/2024: Vítkovice - Liberec 5:2, ohlasy - Dominik Lakatoš
TELH 2023/2024: Vítkovice - Liberec 5:2, ohlasy - Dominik Lakatoš

ROZHOVOR | Kapitán Dominik Lakatoš vedl svůj tým v boji proti Liberci jako správný lídr. Když byl potřeba impuls, nebál se shodit ...

DFB entlässt Bundestrainer Hansi Flick
DFB entlässt Bundestrainer Hansi Flick

Hansi Flick ist nicht mehr Bundestrainer. Der Deutsche Fußball-Bund trennte sich von dem 58-Jährigen, der Verband zog die Konsequenzen nach dem 1:4 am Samstag in Wolfsburg gegen Japan. Beim nächsten Länderspiel gegen Frankreich am Dienstag werden Sportdirektor Rudi Völler, Hannes Wolf und Sandro Wagner die Auswahl interimsweise betreuen. „Die Gremien waren sich einig, dass die A-Nationalmannschaft der Männer nach den zuletzt enttäuschenden Ergebnissen einen neuen Impuls benötigt“, sagte DFB-Präsident Bernd Neuendorf. Er bezeichnete den Rauswurf Flicks als „unumgänglich“. Neun Monate vor der Heim-EM 2024 muss der Verband in einer der tiefsten sportlichen Krisen seiner Geschichte einen neuen Trainer suchen. Ende 2022 war die DFB-Auswahl – auch nach einer Niederlage gegen Japan – in der Vorrunde der WM gescheitert. Mehr Infos: https://www.tagesschau.de/sport/flick-entlassen-100.html Alle aktuellen Informationen und tagesschau24 im Livestream: https://www.tagesschau.de/ Alle Sendungen, Livestreams, Dokumentation und Reportagen auch in der ARD-Mediathek: https://www.ardmediathek.de/tagesschau

🔴LIVE Balzan FC VS Neman Grodno Live Scoreboard UEFA Europa Conference League
🔴LIVE Balzan FC VS Neman Grodno Live Scoreboard UEFA Europa Conference League

LIVE Balzan FC VS Neman Grodno Live Scoreboard Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jpweddingphotography LIVE ...



Team, Place & City Details

Olimpia Grodno

SBK Olimpia Grodno is a Belarusian women's basketball club from Grodno. It won the Belarusian Championship in 2007 and 2009, and in 2012 it made its debut in the FIBA Eurocup.

Neman Grodno

Neman Grodno may refer to:


Impuls Flugdrachen GmbH , usually just called Impuls, was a German aircraft manufacturer that specialized in beginner and flight training hang gliders.

Impulse control disorder

Impulse-control disorder is a class of psychiatric disorders characterized by impulsivity – failure to resist a temptation, an urge, an impulse, or the inability to not speak on a thought. Many psychiatric disorders feature impulsivity, including substance-related disorders, behavioral addictions, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, conduct disorder and some mood disorders.


In psychology, impulsivity is a tendency to act on a whim, displaying behavior characterized by little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences. Impulsive actions are typically "poorly conceived, prematurely expressed, unduly risky, or inappropriate to the situation that often result in undesirable consequences," which imperil long-term goals and strategies for success.

Impulse (physics)

In classical mechanics, impulse is the integral of a force, F, over the time interval, t, for which it acts. Since force is a vector quantity, impulse is also a vector in the same direction.

Impulse response
Impulse response

In signal processing, the impulse response, or impulse response function , of a dynamic system is its output when presented with a brief input signal, called an impulse. More generally, an impulse response is the reaction of any dynamic system in response to some external change.

Impulse Tracker
Impulse Tracker

Impulse Tracker is a multi-track digital sound tracker . Originally released in 1995 by Jeffrey Lim as Freeware with commercial extensions, it was one of the last tracker programs for the DOS platform.

Impulse excitation technique

The impulse excitation technique is a non-destructive material characterization technique to determine the elastic properties and internal friction of a material of interest. It measures the resonant frequencies in order to calculate the Young's modulus, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio and internal friction of predefined shapes like rectangular bars, cylindrical rods and disc shaped samples.

Impulse (software)

Impulse was a digital distribution and multiplayer platform. Originally developed by Stardock to succeed Stardock Central, it was purchased by GameStop in March 2011, and was subsequently rebranded as GameStop PC Downloads, with the client being renamed GameStop App.

Impulse (Steven Gould novel)

Impulse is the third novel in the "Jumper" series by Steven Gould and the fourth in the "Jumper" universe. The first two novels tell a connecting story which is continued in Impulse.

Impulse (TV series)

Impulse is an American science fiction drama web television series, based on the novel Impulse by Steven Gould, that premiered on June 6, 2018, on YouTube Premium. The series is executive produced by Lauren LeFranc, Doug Liman, David Bartis, and Gene Klein.


Grodno, or Hrodna is a city in western Belarus.