A brief glimpse into the past

A Tribute To Basil Chibueze.
A Tribute To Basil Chibueze.

Il-football Malti huwa xxokkjat bil-mewt ta' Basil Chibueze, fl-età ta' 26 sena. Dan il-player Niġerjan kien naturalizzat Malti wara li, flimkien mal-familja tiegħu, issetilja f'pajjiżna. Ix-xogħol tiegħu kien bħala sewwieq mal-Arriva. Fil-bidu tal-istaġun li għadda, huwa ingħaqad mal-club tat-Tieni Diviżjoni Marsa, b'self, mingħand St. Lucia. Kif intemm l-istaġun huwa sar player liberu u għaldaqstant intlaħaq ftehim ma' Marsa biex ikompli jilgħab magħhom -- kien jonqos biss il-firma. Iżda ma kellux ikun minħabba li matul dan il-lejl miet kawża ta' attakk f'qalbu. inewsmalta.com għamel kuntatt mal-president ta' Marsa, Twanny Mercieca, li qal: "Ninsabu xxokkjati b'din l-aħbar għax Basil kien jarmi s-saħħa. Kien bniedem eżemplari kemm fil-ground kif ukoll fil-ħajja personali tiegħu. Kif spiċċa l-istaġun mill-ewwel bdejna niddiskutu biex jingħata kuntratt wara l-istaġun brillanti li kellu magħna... Iżda llum kull partitarju ta' Marsa u kulmin kien jafu ... jinsab mingħajr kliem ....." Matul l-istaġun li għadda, fil-Kampjonat tat-Tieni Diviżjoni, Chibueze lagħab 23 partita, b'ħin effettwat ta' 1,828 minuti fejn skorja 10 goals li waslu kontra Għargħur (1), Kirkop U. (2), Marsaskala (1), Mdina K. (2), San Gwann (2), Senglea A. (1) u Zabbar SP (1) Ir-rekord personali kien dak ta' 6 rebħiet, 7 draws u 10 telfiet. Inċidentalment, ħuh, Ikechukwu, wkoll kellu l-istess destin, nhar is-27 ta' Jannar, 2007, fl-età ta' 23 sena. Fil-Kampjonat Premier huwa kien lagħab, fl-istaġun 2005/06 ma' Mosta fejn lagħab 23 partita u skorja 12-il goal wara li kien iddebutta nhar is-6 ta' Awwissu, 2005, fir-rebħa ta' 2-1 fuq Msida St. Joseph fejn anke niżżel ismu fost l-iskorers. Huwa lagħab ukoll ma' Mqabba (fil-Kampjonat tal-Ewwel Diviżjoni) u ma' Żebbuġ Rovers (fil-Kampjonat Għawdxi).

Marsascala FC vs Mdina Knights
Marsascala FC vs Mdina Knights

MFA 3rd Division League 29/9/2010 6.00pm marsascala

Team, Place & City Details

Mdina Knights F.C.
Mdina Knights F.C.

Mdina Knights F.C. is an association football club representing Malta's former capital city, Mdina, currently playing in the Maltese Third Division. The club is arguably the smallest club in Malta and represents a city of approximately 250 residents.

Mdina Knights Futsal

Mdina Knights Futsal is a futsal team currently playing in the Maltese Futsal First Division, bearing the name of parent club Mdina Knights F.C.. As from 2014, the futsal section of Mdina Knights began to operate again after a hiatus of a couple of years.


Mdina , also known by its titles Città Vecchia or Città Notabile, is a fortified city in the Northern Region of Malta, which served as the island's capital from antiquity to the medieval period. The city is still confined within its walls, and has a population of just under 300, but it is contiguous with the town of Rabat, which takes its name from the Arabic word for suburb, and has a population of over 11,000 (as of March 2014).The city was founded as Maleth in around the 8th century BC by Phoenician settlers, and was later renamed Melite by the Romans.

St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina
St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Paul , commonly known as St Paul's Cathedral or the Mdina Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Mdina, Malta, dedicated to St. Paul the Apostle.

Mdina Glass
Mdina Glass

Mdina Glass is a manufacturer of glassware, based in Malta. It was founded in 1968 by Michael Harris, a lecturer in industrial glass design at the Royal College of Art.

Mdina Gate
Mdina Gate

Mdina Gate , also known as the Main Gate or the Vilhena Gate, is the main gate into the fortified city of Mdina, Malta. It was built in the Baroque style in 1724 to designs of Charles François de Mondion, during the magistracy of Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena.


Minnesota ) is a state in the Upper Midwest, Great Lakes, and northern regions of the United States. Minnesota was admitted as the 32nd U.S. state on May 11, 1858, created from the eastern half of the Minnesota Territory.


Medina, also transliterated as Madīnah, is the capital of the Al-Madinah Region in Saudi Arabia. At the city's heart is al-Masjid an-Nabawi , which is the burial place of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.

MDNA (album)

MDNA is the twelfth studio album by American singer Madonna, released on March 23, 2012, by Interscope Records. The album was conceived while the singer was busy throughout 2011 with filming her directorial venture, W.E. Madonna started the recording in July 2011 and collaborated with a variety of producers such as Alle Benassi, Benny Benassi, Demolition Crew, Free School, Michael Malih, Indiigo, William Orbit, and Martin Solveig, the last two serving as primary producers of the record.

MDNA World Tour (album)

MDNA World Tour is the fourth live album by American singer and songwriter Madonna. It was released on September 6, 2013, by Interscope Records as a full concert on all formats including a double-disc CD, DVD, and Blu-ray.

Gharbia Governorate
Gharbia Governorate

Gharbia Governorate is one of the governorates of Egypt. It is located in the north of the country, south of Kafr El Sheikh Governorate, and north of Monufia Governorate.

Gharb Al-Andalus

Gharb Al-Andalus , or just Al-Gharb (Arabic: الغرب‎, trans.

Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen
Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen

Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen was formerly one of the sixteen regions of Morocco from 1997 to 2015. It was situated in north-western Morocco, covers an area of 8,805 square kilometres (3,400 sq mi) and has a population of 1,904,112 (2014 census).