A brief glimpse into the past

D-backs vs.  Mets Game Highlights (5/31/24) | MLB Highlights
D-backs vs. Mets Game Highlights (5/31/24) | MLB Highlights

D-backs vs. Mets full game highlights from 5/31/24 Check out http://m.mlb.com/video for our full archive of videos, and subscribe ...

LBA Playoffs Semifinali 2024 #3PG: Reyer Venezia-Reyer Venezia (G4)
LBA Playoffs Semifinali 2024 #3PG: Reyer Venezia-Reyer Venezia (G4)

Commento della G4 delle semifinali Playoffs LBA tra la Reyer Venezia e la Virtus Bologna F.M.B DOVE TROVARCI Sito: ...

2DROTS х Матч ТВ | Winline Медийная Футбольная Лига | 5 сезон
2DROTS х Матч ТВ | Winline Медийная Футбольная Лига | 5 сезон

Первый матч 5-го сезона 7 тура Winline Медийной Футбольной Лиги 2DROTS х Матч ТВ Начало: 18:00 Ребёнку нужна помощь! Её зовут Лилия. Она дочка сотрудника съёмочной группы лиги. Сейчас ей 4 года, несмотря на старание родителей, ее болезнь тормозит развитие на 2-3 года. В 1 год ей поставили диагноз ДЦП. Они все это время проходят курсы реабилитаций и есть позитивные результаты. Реабилитация проходит в разных центрах. Годовой курс для Лилии стоит 1 000 000 рублей. В курсы входят кондуктивная педагогика, логопед на запуск речи, ЛФК и так далее, все что бы создать условия для лучшей социализации ребенка. Это огромная финансовая нагрузка для молодой семь, давайте вместе поможем Лилии и её родителям. Помочь Лилии можно так: 2202200777010198 (Сбербанк) Мария Георгиевна Г. Поможет любая сумма Подписывайся на наши каналы в социальных сетях: Winline Media Football Life: https://youtube.com/@winlinemediafootball VK: https://vk.com/media.league TG: https://t.me/WinlineML VK Николай Осипов: https://m.vk.com/id784379593 TG Николай Осипов: https://t.me/osipovnikolayofficial Сайт MFL: https://mfl.life PR / реклама: reklama@mfl.life

Scary News for Dallas #shorts #nhlplayoffs #dallasstars #edmontonoilers
Scary News for Dallas #shorts #nhlplayoffs #dallasstars #edmontonoilers

Oilersnation Everyday - Presented by Greta Bar https://www.gretabar.com/locations/ca Live Weekdays at 12p.m. MST.

D-backs vs. Mets Game Highlights (5/30/24) | MLB Highlights
D-backs vs. Mets Game Highlights (5/30/24) | MLB Highlights

D-backs vs. Mets full game highlights from 5/30/24 Check out http://m.mlb.com/video for our full archive of videos, and subscribe ...

Fantasy Sports Daily, Ep.153 - MLB Issues in NY
Fantasy Sports Daily, Ep.153 - MLB Issues in NY

Ray Flowers hosts FSD, M-F at 11am EST. The Mets stink, but how bad is it? Performance: Corey Seager, Matt Vierling, Shota ...

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Phonograph record
Phonograph record

A phonograph record , often simply record, is an analog sound storage medium in the form of a flat disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove. The groove usually starts near the periphery and ends near the center of the disc.


Fonio is the term for two cultivated grasses in the genus Digitaria that are notable crops in parts of West Africa. They are millets with small grains.Fonio is a nutritious food with a favorable taste.


Fontographer is a font editor for Windows and OS X; it is used to create digital fonts. It was originally developed by Altsys but is now owned by FontLab Ltd.

Fonio husking machine

The Fonio husking machine was invented by Sanoussi Diakité, a Senegalese mechanical engineer. Diakité was awarded the Rolex Award in 1996 for the invention.Fonio is a staple crop in western Africa.


Fonogenico is a Japanese band. They are well known for their ballad and jazz songs and signed under BMG Japan.


Foliogamasellus is a genus of mites in the family Rhodacaridae.


Fonogrammi, for flute and chamber orchestra, is a composition by Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki. It was finished in 1961 and was published by Schott Music, even though it remained initially unpublished.


Fonografika Sp. j.