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歡迎大家來到《四川觀察》海外官方頻道《熊貓眼Pandaeyes》,觀觀來啦~ Welcome to Pandaeyes,the official overseas channel of Sichuan Watch, here comes Guan Guan! 《四川觀察》是四川廣播電視台重點打造的新媒體產品,以原創獨家短視頻為核心競爭力,為全球用戶報導熱點新聞事件。 Sichuan Watch is a new media product created by Sichuan Radio and Television, with original and exclusive short videos as its core competency, reporting hot news events for global users. 期待大家的訂閱,觀觀在這裡等你哦! We look forward to your subscriptions, and we are waiting for you here!

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