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HRR 2009 QF - Abingdon vs. Belmont Hill
HRR 2009 QF - Abingdon vs. Belmont Hill

Probably one my most epic races so far - the Quarter final of Henley Royal Regatta 2009, against Belmont Hill School, USA. So epic in fact, my lips went numb during it. This was our final - if we won this, we had a straightforward Saturday to reach the final. Belmont came over saying they were the only crew who could challenge Eton - that, after how Eton embarrassed everyone at National Schools, none of the British crews were up to snuff. Into a small stream, and with a mild headwind, they went out hard to try and kill us off before the Barrier. They even had clear water, as the stream advantage switched to us. But we were known for our relentless pace in the second half, and wore them down through Fawley. The guys always believed, trusted me when I told them they could still win. Even as the stream switched back to Belmont's advantage, we had pulled back enough contact to make our presence worrying. As the closing stages of the race approached, we bore down on them hard coming into the enclosures. Even in the worst part of the stream, we were still moving. Coming into the last 300m, they broke down into two separate fours, and began to fall apart. Rating 42, we put the foot to the throat and dealt the final blow, winning by a foot of clear water. These Abingdon boys are my eternal brothers. Enjoy. A-S-B-C!

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