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Karate Legends Vol-9 with Mikio Yahara - Toshihiro Oshiro - Tom Muzila
Karate Legends Vol-9 with Mikio Yahara - Toshihiro Oshiro - Tom Muzila

Karate Legends Vol-9 Mikio Yahara - Toshihiro Oshiro - Tom Muzila Mikio Yahara (10th Dan KWF) Sensei was born on April 4, 1947, in Ehime prefecture. After graduating from Kokushikan University, he became Kenshusei, or junior instructor, in the Japan Karate Association. Since 1987, he left the Japan Karate Association to set off on his own path He rampaged through the world, monopolizing the high rankings in many tournaments, establishing legendary fame. Known for his leopard-like carriage, beautiful jumping techniques and adaptations, his unique karate style fascinated karateka all over the world. Toshihiro Oshiro Shihan - Chief Instructor, Oshiro Dojo San Mateo and Ryukyu Bujutsu Kenkyu Doyukai. Shihan Oshiro has studied Okinawan martial arts for over forty years, earning advanced degrees in karate, kobudo, judo, and kendo. He has been teaching in the United States since 1978. Shihan Oshiro was born in Haneji, Okinawa and began training in karate as a young man. He had the opportunity to learn karate and kobujutsu from many masters of Okinawan martial arts, including Sensei Shoshin Nagamine, Sensei Chogi Kishaba, Sensei Masao Shima, and Sensei Seigi Nakamura Tom Muzila Sensei known for his incredible physical and mental stamina, Tom Muzila is a former Green Beret and has practiced Shotokan karate for more than 40 years. In addition to work as a bodyguard, Tom Muzila has also served as an instructor/adviser to law-enforcement personnel and to the military for matters of tactics, weapons and defense. Item em3-061-9 ISBN: 8526684219832 TRT: 81 minutes DVDs & Instant/Play available at and

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