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#新聞 #熱點新聞 一段視頻展示了一位才華橫溢的運動員在踢毽子時,不僅展現了出色的技巧,還融入了“中國功夫”的元素。他運用各種高難度的動作,如空翻、旋轉和高跳等,將毽子踢得飛起,令人目瞪口呆。這樣的表演不僅展示了中國傳統文化的魅力,還讓觀眾感受到了運動的激情和活力,讓人熱血沸騰,為他的才藝喝采! A video showcases a talented athlete demonstrating exceptional skills while kicking a shuttlecock, incorporating elements of "Chinese Kung Fu." He executes various high-difficulty moves, including flips, spins, and high jumps, sending the shuttlecock soaring into the air, leaving viewers in awe. This performance not only highlights the charm of Chinese traditional culture but also evokes the passion and vitality of sports, igniting excitement and applause for his talent!

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