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Details & Similar Teams

Jets de Viry-Essonne

The Jets de Viry-Essonne were an ice hockey team in Viry-Chatillon, France. The club was founded in 1951 as the hockey department of the US Métro sports club, and took on the name OHC Paris-Viry in 1971.


Viry-Châtillon is a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 20.9 km from the center of Paris.

Lac de Viry-Châtillon
Lac de Viry-Châtillon

Lac de Viry-Châtillon is a lake located in the municipalities of Viry-Châtillon and Grigny in the Essonne department, France. The lake consists of five basins: étang des Nouées de Seine, étang de la Justice, étang de la Place Verte, étang de la Plaine Basse and étang de l'Arbalète.

The Viry-Chatillon's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Viry-Chatillon's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!