What Is The Most Used Midfielder In FIFA 23?
What Is The Most Used Midfielder In FIFA 23?

FIFA 23 is almost coming to an end. We've seen so many different cards throughout the year, but which cards are used the most? Find out which midfielders our Pro Players and Amateurs from OneBlade Icons used the most. Check out our channel for more videos on how to get better at FIFA! 👇 #shorts -- OneBlade Icons Episode 5: https://youtu.be/6PDvDsBY7cs -- The official YouTube channel of the world's first independent FIFA academy. We create the stars of the future. Through the Team Gullit academy, we focus on creating the best atmosphere, providing the best training options, and creating the best tools for our talents, to enable them to succeed and to develop themselves as players. However, we are here for you too! Our channel features videos that will make you better at FIFA Ultimate Team or FIFA in general. Expect skill move tutorials, attacking tutorials, defending tutorials, set pieces tutorials, formation guides, custom tactics, help with objectives on FUT and gameplay analysis videos. Looking for a tutorial that we haven't featured yet? Let us know in the comments! -- #FIFA #FIFA23 #FUT #FUT23 #TUTORIAL #META #ULTIMATETEAM #FIFAPACKS #FIFATUTORIALS #FIFAGUIDES #TEAMGULLIT #FIFATIPS #FIFATUTORIAL #FIFATACTICS #FIFAGAMEPLAY #FIFAFORMATION #PROPLAYER #FIFAPRO #fifastriker #eafc #easportsfc #eafc24 #fifa24 #easports24 #fc24 #qa #qanda #playerquestions #fifaquestions #midfielder #mostused @levideweerd_ @DaniVisser ​

What Is The Most Used Striker In FIFA 23?
What Is The Most Used Striker In FIFA 23?

FIFA 23 is almost coming to an end. We've seen so many different cards throughout the year, but which cards are used the most? Find out which strikers our Pro Players and Amateurs from OneBlade Icons used the most. Check out our channel for more videos on how to get better at FIFA! 👇 #shorts -- OneBlade Icons Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W6ME5QJuxU -- The official YouTube channel of the world's first independent FIFA academy. We create the stars of the future. Through the Team Gullit academy, we focus on creating the best atmosphere, providing the best training options, and creating the best tools for our talents, to enable them to succeed and to develop themselves as players. However, we are here for you too! Our channel features videos that will make you better at FIFA Ultimate Team or FIFA in general. Expect skill move tutorials, attacking tutorials, defending tutorials, set pieces tutorials, formation guides, custom tactics, help with objectives on FUT and gameplay analysis videos. Looking for a tutorial that we haven't featured yet? Let us know in the comments! -- #FIFA #FIFA23 #FUT #FUT23 #TUTORIAL #META #ULTIMATETEAM #FIFAPACKS #FIFATUTORIALS #FIFAGUIDES #TEAMGULLIT #FIFATIPS #FIFATUTORIAL #FIFATACTICS #FIFAGAMEPLAY #FIFAFORMATION #PROPLAYER #FIFAPRO #fifastriker #eafc #easportsfc #eafc24 #fifa24 #easports24 #fc24 #qa #qanda #playerquestions #fifaquestions #striker #mostused @levideweerd_ @DaniVisser

The Best FIFA Cards Of All Time
The Best FIFA Cards Of All Time

FIFA Ultimate Team 23 is almost coming to an end. Throughout the years, many good cards have past. But which of them are the best ever? You'll find out in this video. Check out our channel for more videos on how to get better at FIFA! 👇 #shorts -- The official YouTube channel of the world's first independent FIFA academy. We create the stars of the future. Through the Team Gullit academy, we focus on creating the best atmosphere, providing the best training options, and creating the best tools for our talents, to enable them to succeed and to develop themselves as players. However, we are here for you too! Our channel features videos that will make you better at FIFA Ultimate Team or FIFA in general. Expect skill move tutorials, attacking tutorials, defending tutorials, set pieces tutorials, formation guides, custom tactics, help with objectives on FUT and gameplay analysis videos. Looking for a tutorial that we haven't featured yet? Let us know in the comments! -- #FIFA #FIFA23 #FUT #FUT23 #TUTORIAL #META #ULTIMATETEAM #FIFAPACKS #FIFATUTORIALS #FIFAGUIDES #TEAMGULLIT #FIFATIPS #FIFATUTORIAL #CUSTOMTACTICS #FIFATACTICS #TACTICS #FIFAGAMEPLAY #fifaknowledge #fifatutorials #eafc #easportsfc #eafc24 #fifa24 #qa #qanda #fifaquestions #fifapro #proplayer @OlleLito @DaniVisser @levideweerd_

Jaloliddin Masharipov Saudiyadagi villasi, o‘tmishi va Ronaldu haqida. Qiyinchilik ko‘targan yulduz
Jaloliddin Masharipov Saudiyadagi villasi, o‘tmishi va Ronaldu haqida. Qiyinchilik ko‘targan yulduz

IntervyuTV’ga obuna bo‘ling: https://www.youtube.com/@intervyuTV Biz jamoamiz bilan Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligi poytaxti Ar Riyod shahrida bo‘ldik va o‘zbek futbol yulduzi Jaloliddin Masharipov bilan intervyu qildik. Intervyuda Jaloliddin Masharipovning qiyinchiliklarga to‘la bolaligi, shaxsiy rivojlanish yo‘li, bizneslari, Saudiyadagi hayoti va faoliyati haqida ko‘plab ma’lumotlarga oydinlik kiritdik. Intervyu haqidagi fikrlaringizni albatta yozing. Ushbu intervyumiz homiylari: MacBro – texno do‘konlar tarmog‘i. Tel: +998 78 777 20 20 Oqtosh Avenue resort – tog‘ cho‘qqisidagi apartmentlar. Tel: +998 97 770 00 20 Toshkent xalqaro moliyaviy boshqaruv va texnologiyalar universiteti. TIFTga 2023-2024-o‘quv yili uchun qabul davom etmoqda. Tel: +998781132999; +998999932722 Onlayn hujjat topshirish: http://qabul.tift.uz Veb-sahifa: www.tift.uz Poytaxt qabul ofisi: Shayxontohur tumani, Furqat ko‘chasi, 16. Mo'ljal: Tashkent city ro‘parasi Intervyuning eng qiziq lahzalari: 00:00 - Tizer: intervyu nima haqida? 02:43 – Biz Saudiya Arabistonidamiz! 03:44 – Jaloliddin Masharipovning Ar Riyod shahridagi villasi 05:54 - Jaloliddin Masharipovning qimmatbaho avtomobili qancha turadi? 07:07 – 3 etajli villaning narxi qancha? 07:56 – Devorda osilgan O‘zbekiston bayrog‘i 09:33 - Ekranga yaqinroq keling “BRO”darlar… 11:36 – Ota-onangiz bilan birgalikda Rossiyada ishlagan ekansiz… 14:12 – “Ota-onam Rossiyada payti, buvim bizga tarbiya berganlar” 16:30 – “Buyuk odamlar ko‘proq qiynalgan oilalardan chiqadi” 18:52 - 1,2,3.. Chuqur nafas oling… 21:17 – “Bitta ketani ham yirtilib qolsa qayta-qayta tiktirib kiyardik” 23:00 – “Mashinani yaxshi ko‘rardim, shuning uchun uy emas, birinchi Captiva sotib olganman” 24:08 - Jaloliddin Masharipovning uyidagi lift 27:29 - Qarindoshlar oldida uyalib qolmaslik uchun... 30:50 – Play Station va karaoke 33:06 – Boshqa jamoadoshlaringiz qayerda yashashadi? 33:50 – Nega boshida maxsus futbol maktablarida o‘qimgansiz? 36:07 – Futbolda porlashingizga asosiy sabab qiyinchilikmi? 37:00 – Paxtakorga olib ketishganida ota-onangizning reaksiyalari qanday bo‘lgan? 38:40 – Ukasi uchun o‘z karyerasidan voz kechgan aka 41:10 – Oyog‘i singan holda Jahon chempionatiga borgani haqida 45:00 – Ar Riyod shahridagi butikka keldik 48:03 – Ijara uyidagi kalamushlar 49:40 – “Oyligim 50 ming so‘m bo‘lgan” 53:26 – Birinchi uyni qachon sotib olgansiz? 54:54 – Ko‘p pul yosh futbolchilarga salbiy ta’sir qiladimi? 57:23 – Saudiyada o‘smirlar futboliga munosbat qanday? 58:20 – Boshidagi moslashish qiyinchiliklari haqida 1:03:21 – “Ota-onam matiz olishgan, lekin menga haydashga berishmagan” 1:05:00 – “Pul Saudiyada tikilyapti, O‘zbekistonda emas” 1:09:50 – “Ko‘pchilik Babayanni yomon ko‘radi deb o‘ylashadi” 1:12:11 – Fint qilish tug‘ma qobiliyat bo‘ladimi? 1:12:37 – Milliy terma jamoadagi o‘yinlaringizda nimalarni his qilasiz? 1:14:52 – Turk oshxonasida kechki ovqat 1:16:25 – Futbolchi uchun zararli ovqatlar haqida 1:19:54 – “Paxtakorda men uyning egasi edim” 1:24:40 – “Menga qolganda, Paxtakordan hech qayerga ketmagan bo‘lardim” 1:27:24 – Hozirgi maoshingiz Paxtakordagidan necha karra katta? 1:28:10 – Jaloliddin Masharipov bilan osh masalliqlarini olish uchun bozorga bordik 1:33:36 – Eng arzon narsa – benzin 1:34:26 – Saudiyadagi mahalliy futbolchilarining moliyaviy holati qanday? 1:39:43 – Ota-onangizga nimalar sovg‘a qila oldingiz? 1:43:37 – Sizni deb karyerasini tugatgan akangizga nimalar sovg‘a qildingiz? 1:45:09 – Bozorimiz davom etadi 1:51:56 – “Chetga chiqib, bitta morojniy yeb kelsa ham mayli edi” 1:55:47 – Yaqinlaringiz orasida futbolchilar bormi? 1:57:31 – Futbol va boksning taqqoslanishi haqida 1:58:41 – Ronalduga 7-raqamni bergani haqida 2:00:26 – Saudiyada o‘zbekcha palov taraddudini boshladik 2:06:59 – Ronaldu shaxsiyati haqida 2:08:23 – Ronaldu bilan suhbatlashishga qay darajada imkoniyat bor? 2:09:37 – “Ronalduga yomon ko‘rinib qolishim mumkin” 2:12:03 – Ronaldu Saudiyaga qanda moslashib keta oldi? 2:15:00 - Jaloliddin Masharipovning instagramdagi faolligi haqida 2:19:21 – Bu yerda ko‘proq nimalarga pul sarflaysiz? 2:22:18 - Jaloliddin Masharipov palovni boshladi 2:23:57 - Jaloliddin Masharipovning restoran bizneslari haqida 2:27:34 – Blits savollari 2:30:52 – Nega Messi kuchli emas? 2:32:12 – Ronaldu O‘zbekistonga kelsa nima bilan mehmon qilasiz? 2:34:37 - Jaloliddin Masharipovning Play stationdagi mahoratiga baho bering. 2:40:14 – Konkurs. Jaloliddin Masharipov obunachilirmizga qanday sovg‘a bermoqchi? 2:43:00 – Saudiyadagi futbol muxlislari haqida 2:44:21 – Yetishgan va yetisholmagan orzularingiz… 2:46:46 – Kulgu jamoalarining futbolchilarga qilgan hazillarini qanday qabul qilasiz? 2:53:12 – Backstage 2:54:28 – Ijodiy jamoa #IntervyuTV #JaloliddinMasharipov #FeruzMUHAMMAD

Does He Deserve A Bundesliga TOTS In FIFA 23?
Does He Deserve A Bundesliga TOTS In FIFA 23?

Team of the Season has started! The Bundesliga TOTS will be released next Friday. But who will be in the Bundesliga TOTS? We asked our Pro Players who does deserve a TOTS. Who they chose? You'll find out in this video. Check out our channel for more videos on how to get better at FIFA! 👇 #shorts -- The official YouTube channel of the world's first independent FIFA academy. We create the stars of the future. Through the Team Gullit academy, we focus on creating the best atmosphere, providing the best training options, and creating the best tools for our talents, to enable them to succeed and to develop themselves as players. However, we are here for you too! Our channel features videos that will make you better at FIFA Ultimate Team or FIFA in general. Expect skill move tutorials, attacking tutorials, defending tutorials, set pieces tutorials, formation guides, custom tactics, help with objectives on FUT and gameplay analysis videos. Looking for a tutorial that we haven't featured yet? Let us know in the comments! -- #FIFA #FIFA23 #FUT #FUT23 #TUTORIAL #META #ULTIMATETEAM #FIFAPACKS #FIFATUTORIALS #FIFAGUIDES #TEAMGULLIT #FIFATIPS #FIFATUTORIAL #FIFATACTICS #FIFAGAMEPLAY #tots #teamoftheseason #qa #qanda #eafc #easportsfc #eafc24 #bundesliga #bundesligatots #fifatots #fifa24

Does He Deserve A Premier League TOTS?
Does He Deserve A Premier League TOTS?

Team of the Season has started! The Premier League TOTS will be released next friday. But who will be in the Premier League TOTS? We asked our Pro Players who a TOTS deserves, who they chose? You'll find out in this video what they prefer. Check out our channel for more videos on how to get better at FIFA! 👇 #shorts -- The official YouTube channel of the world's first independent FIFA academy. We create the stars of the future. Through the Team Gullit academy, we focus on creating the best atmosphere, providing the best training options, and creating the best tools for our talents, to enable them to succeed and to develop themselves as players. However, we are here for you too! Our channel features videos that will make you better at FIFA Ultimate Team or FIFA in general. Expect skill move tutorials, attacking tutorials, defending tutorials, set pieces tutorials, formation guides, custom tactics, help with objectives on FUT and gameplay analysis videos. Looking for a tutorial that we haven't featured yet? Let us know in the comments! -- #FIFA #FIFA23 #FUT #FUT23 #TUTORIAL #META #ULTIMATETEAM #FIFAPACKS #FIFATUTORIALS #FIFAGUIDES #TEAMGULLIT #FIFATIPS #FIFATUTORIAL #FIFATACTICS #FIFAGAMEPLAY #tots #teamoftheseason #qa #qanda #eafc #easportsfc #eafc24 #premierleague #pl #pltots #premierleaguetots #fifatots #fifa24

Der FC Bayern ist ehrenlos? 😳 Xavi bringt Barca wieder in die Spur? 🏆 Q&A #003
Der FC Bayern ist ehrenlos? 😳 Xavi bringt Barca wieder in die Spur? 🏆 Q&A #003

Der FC Bayern ist ehrenlos? 😳 Xavi bringt Barca wieder in die Spur? 🏆 Q&A #003 Diese Fragen und noch einige mehr beantworte ich in der heutigen ersten Folge des Q&A's - ich hoffe das Format gefällte euch, dann kann ich das in Zukunft auch gerne öfter machen!! 😃 Wenn deine Frage nicht drankam - tut mit leid, ich kann leider nicht alle Fragen beantworten! :/ ABER: Falls du beim nächsten mal wieder eine Frage stellen willst - dann behalte meinen Community Tab im Auge! Da kommt ca. 1x die Woche bzw 1x alle 2 Wochen ein Post und ihr könnt eure Fragen stellen! :) Bleibt sportlich und man sieht sich hoffentlich im nächsten Video wieder! - Fabi ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🚀 Mein YouTube Zubehör 🚀 *Mikrofon: https://amzn.to/3GRWYrc *Computer: https://amzn.to/301xK9s *Beleuchtung: https://amzn.to/2ZTPMdb *Tripod: https://amzn.to/3BZH2zK *Maus: https://amzn.to/3qbQ6z6 *Handy: https://amzn.to/2ZZOeyU *Green Screen: https://amzn.to/2ZTPMdb 💲Kanalmitglied werden: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJGjIpbfMRUF55le8H4XFQ/join 💙 MEIN 2. KANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRXdA_Amlx1uiEukE519yaQ 💙 ⚽️ Fußball Bücher, die man gelesen haben muss ⚽️ *Zlatan Ibrahimovic Biografie: https://amzn.to/3GWAyVV *Jürgen Klopp Biografie: https://amzn.to/3EQRWcK *Per Mertesacker Biografie: https://amzn.to/3F8M9j5 *Oliver Kahn Biografie: https://amzn.to/3CUTv94 *Sir Alex Ferguson Biografie: https://amzn.to/3ENsncu *Football Leaks: https://amzn.to/3H1JVDC ▬▬▬ folgt mir gerne für mehr Content: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJGjIpbfMRUF55le8H4XFQ/featured TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fa_sc?lang=de-DE Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fa_scofficial/ _______________ Bleibt sportlich & gesund! - Fabi

Въпроси и отговори - Кризата в Ман Юнайтед, има ли футбол след Меси и Роналдо, какво е да си баща?
Въпроси и отговори - Кризата в Ман Юнайтед, има ли футбол след Меси и Роналдо, какво е да си баща?

Ако това видео ви е харесало – ударете един палец нагоре и влезте в отбора като се абонирате за канала и теглите ритник на камбанката. ❗️ Ако смятате, че можем да заиграем в един отбор - свържете се с мен на fensektorbg@gmail.com ❗️ Сайт за ВЛ Фентъзи: https://fantasy.premierleague.com Лига: FENlandiaBG Код: 4szorx Сайт за ШЛ Фентъзи: https://gaming.uefa.com/en/uclfantasy Лига: FENlandiaBG Код: 93RHDDEG09 👉 Станете ново попълнение и в нашата FB страница: https://www.facebook.com/fen.sektor 👉 Заповядайте и в Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/fen.sektor/ 👉 !!! Специални благодарности и на нашите приятели от "Free Bulbet Tips" и "Top Tips Today" за подкрепата!!! 👈 Смешната страна на една сериозна игра! ⚽️ Темата тук е ФУТБОЛ! ⚽️ 💥 Ще коментираме трансфери 💥 🏆 ще говорим за минали и за предстоящи мачове 🏆 🌟 Има място за всички – от лека до тежка категория „Фен“, така че влезте в отбора! 🌟 👉 Светът е футбол и всички ние сме фенове. Да седнем в един сектор! 👈 The music in this video is provided by: CFM Production https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIe5... provided by CFM: https://cfmfreemusic.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✯✯✯ CFM SOCIAL MEDIA ✯✯✯ ➜INSTA: http://bit.ly/2Yzkv9D ➜FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2VoGCxl ➜Twitter: http://bit.ly/2VmC76A ➜Youtube CFM Official: http://bit.ly/2WIs4dB ➜SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/30lZAsc ➜Reddit: http://bit.ly/2JkCAV8 ✯✯✯ OFFICIAL WEBSITES ✯✯✯ ➜https://cfmfreemusic.com/ ➜https://mgjproduction.com #fensektorbg #ВъпросиОтговори #QandA @Фен Сектор ​

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