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跑者漫步盜上三壘 內野手群措手不及 | Player Steals Third Base By Jogging

❤️ 請訂閱與支持我們 謝謝 🔥 前德州遊騎兵二壘手Ian Kinsler 由於因為受到頸部傷勢的長期困擾 於是他在2019年底正式高掛球鞋 Ian Kinsler不但能攻能守還能跑 他在職業生涯尖峰的時候還曾經 兩度單季達成30-30 也就是30支全壘打與30次盜壘 近20年來 只有另一位二壘手 Alfonso Soriano達成過 Ian Kinsler的跑壘功力讓大家有目共睹 而且在2018年加入洛杉磯天使之後 還在比賽中教大家要怎麼漫步盜壘 Former Texas Rangers second baseman Ian Kinsler was bothered by neck injury for a long time so he officially announced his retirement after the 2019 season Ian Kinsler was a player who can hit, defend and run He achieved the unthinkable in his prime accomplished 30-30 twice in a single season which is 30 home runs and 30 steals there's only one other second baseman in the last 20 years it was also achieved by Alfonso Soriano Ian Kinsler's running skill is well-known and after he joined the Los Angeles Angels in the 2018 season he also showcased how to steal third without much effort 運動狂粉FB - #美國職棒 #天使 #Kinsler #MLB #Baseball #Angels #Rangers #遊騎兵 #棒球