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統一獅奪隊史第十座冠軍 是兄弟輸了 還是統一贏了? | The Brothers Lost The Champion Or The Lions Won?

❤️ 請訂閱與支持我們 謝謝 🔥 打到第七場才分出勝負 統一獅連趕三場擊敗中信兄弟 逆轉獲得隊史第十次年度總冠軍 我們現在就一起回顧這七場比賽的精采故事 CPBL Taiwan Series takes 7 games to find out who the eventual champion is The Uni-Lions came back from 1-3 deficit in the best-of-seven series And won the 10th championship in team history Let’s go back and review the exciting games of Taiwan Series 運動狂粉FB - #中華職棒 #台灣大賽 #中信兄弟 #統一 #CPBL #Taiwan #Brothers