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SHOW TIME!O.J.Mayo FULL Game Highlight vs Fujian --44pts, 11rebs, 7asts! | OJ梅奥个人秀生涯新高44分11篮板 辽宁VS福建

This game can be said to be O.J.Mayo's personal show. Mayo played 40 minutes, 17 of 27 shots, 8 of 10 three-pointers --44 pts, 11 rebs, 7 asts. The 44 points and 11 rebounds both his CBA career high, and 44 points are also the highest personal scoring of the Liaoning Men's Basketball Team this season. It was Stephenson's 41 points before. After the game, many Liaoning fans praised Mayo as "Liaoning's strongest foreign aid guard" and "Tieling Mayo", and hope the team can renew his contract. 本场比赛可以说是梅奥的个人秀。梅奥全场出战40分钟,27投17中,三分球10投8中,得到44分11篮板7助攻。本场的44分11篮板均创下个人生涯新高,并且44分也是辽宁男篮本赛季个人得分新高,之前为史蒂芬森的41分。本场比赛后,很多辽宁球迷称赞梅奥为“辽宁外援最强后卫”、“铁岭梅奥”,并希望球队能够续约他。