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看完忍不住笑意 2020大聯盟賽季的「經典」時刻 | "Man-made" Funniest Moments of 2020

❤️ 請訂閱與支持我們 謝謝 🔥 先前和大家介紹過大聯盟球場上的天災時刻 可是讓球員們嚇個屁滾尿流 而介紹完可怕的天災 當然也不能少掉""人為""因素 今天我們就要帶大家來看 2020球季的幾個有趣時刻 Previously we've talked about the natural disasters that scared the players After talking about the natural influences we can not leave out "man-made" influences Today we will show you the funniest moments of 2020 運動狂粉FB - #美國職棒 #白襪 #White Sox #MLB #Baseball #Jiménez #Robert #棒球 #YuDarvish #達比修有 #FernandoTatisJr