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道奇接連失誤被逆轉 光芒小兵立大功扳平戰局 | Dodgers Blew A Possible 3-1 World Series Lead

❤️ 請訂閱與支持我們 謝謝 🔥 坦帕灣光芒在世界大賽第四場 面對1比2系列戰的落後 在背水一戰的情況下 在九局下出現大逆轉 那到底發生甚麼事情 讓道奇總教練Dave Roberts火冒三丈呢? Tampa Bay Rays in World Series Game 4 Trailing in the series 1-2 With their backs against the wall They came back and win So what exactly happened that made Dodgers manager Dave Roberts so angry? 運動狂粉FB - #美國職棒 #道奇 #光芒 #MLB #Dodgers #Rays