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Full Set 1 Jo Wilfried TSONGA vs Feliciano LOPEZ China Open 2012 Semifinal

10-06 Kappa中网甜蜜之旅完美收官 武汉情侣遗憾亚军 10-06 阿扎完胜巴托丽首进中网决赛 明日将与莎娃争夺冠军。北京时间10月6日,2012年中国网球公开赛结束了第二场女单半决赛的争夺。头号种子阿扎伦卡经受住法国名将巴托丽的考验,以6-4/6- 2强势过关,首次晋级中网决赛。今年中网最后的女单冠军争夺战,将由世界第一的阿扎伦卡与世界排名第二的莎拉波娃上演巅峰对决。 10-06 特松加称不惊讶张择中网创历史 有信心打破四巨头垄断。北京时间10月6日消息,总奖金额为2,205,000美金的ATP世界巡回赛500赛中国网球公开赛结束了第一场半决赛。3号种子、法国名将特松加在6-1/4-1领先于西班牙帅哥菲-洛佩兹时,收下了对手的退赛大礼,职业生涯首度闯入中网决赛。在最后的争冠战中,特松加极有可能遭遇头号种子德约科维奇。 10-06 李娜错失领先优势吞完败 不敌莎娃无缘中网女单决赛。北京时间10月6日,中网结束了首场女单半决赛的争夺。金花一姐李娜错失了首盘3-1领先的大好优势,在4-4后连丢八局,最终4-6/0-6不敌莎娃,无缘晋级女单争冠战。获胜的莎拉波娃将迎战阿扎伦卡和巴托丽之间的胜者。李娜在中网结束后将进行休整,然后前往伊斯坦布尔参加总决赛的争夺。 10-06 WTA为张雅宾先生颁发WTA特别贡献奖 10-06 特松加领先时收对手退赛大礼 生涯首次晋级中网决赛 Overwhelming Fan Support Can't Keep Li Na Afloat Li Na secured her place in the China Open semifinals by defeating the reigning champion, Agnieszka Radwanska, 6-4, 6-2. The crowd roared with each point Li won. Tsonga Dominates Injured Lopez, Heads to Final Since escaping the first round via a third-set tiebreak,third-seeded Jo-Wilfried Tsonga has advanced three rounds,all the way to the China Open final,completing just one match along the way. Sharapova Dominates Injured Kerber Who Retires Taking the first set of her quarterfinal match 6-0, No.2 Sharapova was putting an absolute beatdown on No.6 Kerber, a seemingly worthy opponent who defeated Sharapova in straight sets earlier this season. Djokovic Continues His Fast-paced Waltz through the Open Apparently, No. 1 ranked Novak Djokovic had somewhere to go besides Diamond Court Friday night. Maybe he had a 9 o'clock dentist appointment or a late-night shiatsu massage session or perhaps, he just wanted to take in the Beijing nightlife. Azarenka Opens Fire on Oprandi Winning in Straight Sets In less than an hour, Victoria Azarenka earned the first spot in the China Open semifinals.