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Houston Astros vs Arizona Diamondbacks 9/18/20 (perfectly balanced, as all things should be 25-26)

Hi I’m Weston, I love talking about the Astros, and I don’t know what to say at this point, we didn’t pitch super well, we didn’t hit super well, and this is a bad team, I have this sinking feeling with the playoffs approaching, if I feel strongly enough about it I’ll make a video talking about the pros vs cons of making the playoffs this year (I know that sounds weird but you’ll have to hear me out if I do make that) but the team we’ve taken out on the field the past 4 games, geez, that could be a fast 2 game series if we don’t start to gain momentum going into October, side note how is it October already, it has nothing to do with baseball but if feels like it was spring a week or so ago, so yeah rough game, we’ll try to bounce back tomorrow with Christian Javier on the mound, thank you so much for watching, I hope you have a fantastic day, and go ‘stros!