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Sebastian Vettel Defends Mick Schumacher

Haas driver Mick Schumacher has come under some criticism recently for crashing too often and for not being able to match his teammate. Aston Martin’s Sebastian Vettel happens to be a close friend and mentor of Mick and he has now defended Mick as quoted by Motorsport Total Link to poll: 0:00 - Sebastian Vettel Defends Mick Schumacher 0:57 - Fast Feed I'm your host Dillon Shelley and first up on Formula World: Sebastian Vettel Defends Mick Schumacher Vettel started off by criticizing the rain tyres used in Monaco “Useless. It looks nice, but as soon as you can, you switch to the intermediate because it’s a softer rubber compound and therefore a better tire” “I remember days when you could drive in such conditions. Monza 2008, for example, or China 2009. That was a long time ago. But not with these tires” He then turned his attention to Mick Schumacher “The most important thing is that he’s fine” He signed off by defending Mick “I have no doubt that he can do more than he’s showing” “But I think you have to leave him alone for a bit” Fast Feed Haas team principal Guenther Steiner thinks that “some teams would be happy if the Red Bull isn’t coming to the last four races” [Sky F1] “I know a red car would be very happy about that” “But seriously speaking, we have no issue to do all the races [under the present budget cap]” Retired F1 driver turned pundit Martin Brundle revealed that “a couple of reliable sources tell me that there were heated arguments in Race Control [in Monaco]” [Sky F1] “What happened to Michael Masi in the aftermath has made the job a poisoned chalice” “He was the right man for the job, Charlie’s understudy, but frankly, F1 and the FIA were winging it at times and the whole thing skidded off track” Former F1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone doesn’t “think anyone’s got the balls to take that race away from Monaco” [Reuters] “Whether it’s the worst race or the best race or whatever, it’s the crown jewel” “Look at Miami. That wasn’t a Formula 1 race. They had those boats in the car park trying to make it look like Monaco” For Red Bull’s Sergio Perez, “this has been an incredible week” [Official Statement] “Winning the Monaco Grand Prix is a dream for any driver and then to follow that with announcing I will continue with the team until 2024 just makes me extremely happy” “I am so proud to be a member of this team and I feel completely at home here now” Has the recent criticism of Mick Schumacher gone too far?