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Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian policemen patrol the border in Hungary - V4

Röszke at the Hungarian-Serbian border, Hungary, Europe 8.11.2015. No way for illegal immigrants, no welcome for people called "refugees", who didn't know where's Germany, only looking for Germoney. Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian policemen going on patrol. Visegrad countries, the V4 (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) together deffend the Hungarian-Serbian border. (The Visegrad Group, also called the Visegrad Four, or V4 is an alliance of four Central European states – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia – for the purposes of furthering their European integration as well as advancing their military, economic and energy cooperation with one another.) Visegrad Four defend Europe. ((Mieszany patrol pograniczników na Węgrzech. Patrol graniczny! Graniczny! Strażnicy graniczni patrolujący obrzeża Röszke. Bo kto jak nie My obronimy tą ogłupiałą i zaślepioną Europę przed muzułmańską inwazją!)) * 2015 summer, Hungarian-Serbian border: 2015 autumn, Hungarian army arrived and closed the border: The "army" of illegal immigrants in Slovenia: Muslim jihadist demonstration in Germany: Greece only laughs.