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神之子重回日職 洋基為何不與他續約 | Masahiro Tanaka Returns To Japan

❤️請訂閱與支持我們 謝謝 🔥 日本職棒東北樂天金鷲隊在28日宣布 與田中將大達成共識 讓他睽違八年重回日職戰場 除了受到疫情影響 大聯盟本季自由市場相對冷清之外 現在則有日本媒體出面探討 洋基這次"不積極"和神之子簽約的態度 是因為一項數據明顯表示 田中將大已經失去以往的投球壓制力 The Rakuten Golden Eagles of Japanese pro baseball league has announced that an agreement has been reached with Masahiro Tanaka and he’s going back for the first time after eight years due to the pandemic the market is not as lively for free agents the Japanese press has written articles on why the Yankees weren’t as aggressive as they could with Takana due to a special statistics which is that Masahiro Takana has lost some of his capability 運動狂粉FB - #美國職棒 #樂天金鷲 #田中將大 #洋基 #Yankees #Baseball #棒球 #MLB