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2021 Tour de France Stage 17

"Pogačar, what a boss. Did I see a smirk on his face?" asked Lance after the defending champ took the stage and increased his overall lead. The guys talk about Bastille Day motivation from the riders, who is riding without a contract and the race for second place.  The WEDŪ Season Pass takes you to the promised land of endurance lore. To experience mind, body, and life breakthroughs, we’ve gone the extra mile to create a community filled with tips, lessons from Lance Armstrong, and exclusive challenges and discounts to help you find the next level. Get your Season Pass at THEMOVE is presented by OURA. Visit OURA to learn more about the most accurate sleep and health device on the market. Visit ROKA and use the code THEMOVE at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Visit Athletic Greens and get your FREE year supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs today. Use the code TDF20 at checkout for 20% off all Momentous and Amp Human products. Get 50% off your first purchase of Swiss RX Nitric Oxide. Get a free sample pack of LMNT for the cost of shipping.