Highlights: Franciacorta - DesenzanoCalvina 0-3
Highlights: Franciacorta - DesenzanoCalvina 0-3

TABELLINO SPORTING FRANCIACORTA-DESENZANO CALVINA 0-3 (pt 0-3) RETI: 14' pt Marangon (DC), 22' pt Ricozzi (DC), 32' pt Aliù (DC), SPORTING ...

🔴Live Match Franciacorta FC vs. Desenzano Calvina - Italy Serie D Girone B
🔴Live Match Franciacorta FC vs. Desenzano Calvina - Italy Serie D Girone B

Watch Live Here⏩http://li.tv-sports.space/sports-soccer.php?live=+LIVE+Today+Franciacorta+FC+vs+Desenzano+Calvina+~+Italy+Serie+D+Girone+B#.

🔴LIVE Franciacorta FC vs. Desenzano Calvina | Italy Serie D Girone B
🔴LIVE Franciacorta FC vs. Desenzano Calvina | Italy Serie D Girone B

Watch Here⏩https://li.league4khd.com/sports-soccer.php?live=+LIVE+Now+Franciacorta+FC+vs.+Desenzano+Calvina+~+Italy+Serie+D+Girone+B#.

🔴live: Franciacorta FC vs. Desenzano Calvina Fotball 2021
🔴live: Franciacorta FC vs. Desenzano Calvina Fotball 2021

LIVE HERE ⏩ https://t.co/TVQzLYLlv8?amp=1 Franciacorta FC is going head to head with Desenzano Calvina starting on 03 Oct 2021 at 13:00 UTC. The match ...

Team, Place & City Details


The territory of Franciacorta is a section of the Province of Brescia in the Italian Region of Lombardy. Franciacorta extends from Mount Orfano on the southwest area to the shores of Lake Iseo, and from the river Oglio on the western border to the city of Brescia in the east.

Franciacorta DOCG
Franciacorta DOCG

Franciacorta [frantʃaˈkorta] is a sparkling wine from the Province of Brescia with DOCG status produced from grapes grown within the boundaries of the territory of Franciacorta, on the hills located between the southern shore of Lake Iseo and the city of Brescia. It was awarded DOC status in 1967, the designation then also including red and white still wines.