A brief glimpse into the past

Rezumat Etapa 23 2011-2012 FC Brasov - Rapid Bucuresti 1-0
Rezumat Etapa 23 2011-2012 FC Brasov - Rapid Bucuresti 1-0

Meci in care, conform comentatorului, Rapid a deraiat la Brasov, ajutat si de Sumudica.

Rezumat Etapa 10 2011-2012 U Cluj - FC Brasov 1-0
Rezumat Etapa 10 2011-2012 U Cluj - FC Brasov 1-0

Primul meci al celor de la U pe noul stadion reconstruit, care nu este insa in proprietatea clubului, castigat cu greu, dar pentru ...

🔝 Rapid Bucuresti's Debut in the 🏆 Romanian Volleyball Cup: A Triumph in the Making ⭐ CUPA ROMANIEI
🔝 Rapid Bucuresti's Debut in the 🏆 Romanian Volleyball Cup: A Triumph in the Making ⭐ CUPA ROMANIEI

In an exhilarating weekend ahead, the Romanian Volleyball Cup for men is set to unfold, and all eyes are on Rapid Bucuresti's ...