A brief glimpse into the past

Dušan Džakić - Borba će oboriti sve rekorde
Dušan Džakić - Borba će oboriti sve rekorde

Isečak iz 92. epizode MMA INSTITUT-a https://youtu.be/h8vJXj2pml4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UREĐUJU I VODE: Dragan Tešanović - Gagi / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gagimma/ Aleksandar Radosavljević - Rođa / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rodja_mma/ PRODUKCIJA: Marko Radosavljević / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kinodurmitor/ Petar Pavlović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petardetlic/ Janko Petković / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/studiobgd/ MARKETING: Nevena Petrović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milenijal.bebo/

Savo, Ognjen, Viktor, Nikola, Mateja i Steva - MMA INSTITUT 93
Savo, Ognjen, Viktor, Nikola, Mateja i Steva - MMA INSTITUT 93

Istorijski uspeh na Evropskom prvenstvu u MMA sportu! Žetva medalja u svim uzrasnim kategorijama. MMA savez postao je lider po uredjenju amaterskog sporta u Evropi, što je Republika Srbija prepoznala i pružila punu podršku u daljem radu i ostvarivanju punog potencijala. U novoj epizodi MMA INSTITUTA, ugostili smo selektore i sportiste: Savu Lazića, Ognjena Mićovića, Viktora Jankovića, Nikolu Vasiljevića, Mateju Dekserevića i Stevu Pilipovića. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UREĐUJU I VODE: Dragan Tešanović - Gagi / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gagimma/ Aleksandar Radosavljević - Rođa / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rodja_mma/ PRODUKCIJA: Marko Radosavljević / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kinodurmitor/ Petar Pavlović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petardetlic/ Janko Petković / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/studiobgd/ MARKETING: Nevena Petrović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milenijal.bebo/

Gagi o sparingu sa Babićem
Gagi o sparingu sa Babićem

Isečak iz 88. epizode MMA INSTITUT-a https://youtu.be/cakmGDJkL7Q?si=wHrAeEAhWCA3x7sD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UREĐUJU I VODE: Dragan Tešanović - Gagi / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gagimma/ Aleksandar Radosavljević - Rođa / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rodja_mma/ PRODUKCIJA: Marko Radosavljević / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kinodurmitor/ Petar Pavlović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petardetlic/ Janko Petković / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/studiobgd/ MARKETING: Nevena Petrović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milenijal.bebo/

Dušan Džakić - MMA INSTITUT 92
Dušan Džakić - MMA INSTITUT 92

Nekada najatraktivniji regionalni MMA borac, vraća se iz penzije! O motivima povratka u oktagon, kao i o procesu vraćanja u takmičarsku formu, govorili smo u novoj epizodi MMA INSTITUTA, sa pionirom sporta Dušanom Džakićem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UREĐUJU I VODE: Dragan Tešanović - Gagi / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gagimma/ Aleksandar Radosavljević - Rođa / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rodja_mma/ PRODUKCIJA: Marko Radosavljević / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kinodurmitor/ Petar Pavlović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petardetlic/ Janko Petković / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/studiobgd/ MARKETING: Nevena Petrović / Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milenijal.bebo/

Highlights Match 21 | Khawar Properties vs HB lal | Ramzan Cricket Tournament 2024
Highlights Match 21 | Khawar Properties vs HB lal | Ramzan Cricket Tournament 2024

#RamazanCricketTournament #RamazanCricket #DHAt20 #RamzanCricketTournament2024 #Match22Highlights Full Highlights of Match 21 | Khawar Properties vs HB Lal | DHA T20 Ramzan Cricket Tournament 2024. The 2024 Ramzan Cricket Tournament at Ghani Institute of Cricket Academy in DHA Phase 6, Lahore, Pakistan, starts on March 20, 2024 and includes 12 teams in two groups. Ghani Institute of Cricket acts as a platform for aspiring young cricketers to receive formal training from cricket experts. Moreover, talented cricketers will get scholarships and free accommodation. We believe in creating leaders, along with grooming world class cricketers and athletes.

HOUSTON Will Win March Madness... Or Iowa State? Or Purdue? Or Creighton? Expansion Big 12 is ALIVE.
HOUSTON Will Win March Madness... Or Iowa State? Or Purdue? Or Creighton? Expansion Big 12 is ALIVE.

The Big 12 Conference is renowned for its robust basketball programs, owed to various factors: Talent: Big 12 institutions draw ...


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Team, Place & City Details

Reading Rebels

The Reading Rebels are a professional basketball team in Reading, Pennsylvania, and members of The Basketball League .

Lebanese Basketball League

The Lebanese Basketball League recognized as the top-tier professional men's basketball league in Lebanon, stands as one of the most competitive markets in the Middle East. It is organized annually as a national championship with playoffs and a national cup by the Lebanese Basketball Federation .Currently, the league consists of 12 teams, of which six are located in Beirut.

Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks

The Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks are a professional minor-league baseball team based in Fargo, North Dakota, in the United States. The RedHawks are members of the American Association of Professional Baseball, an official Partner League of Major League Baseball.

Fargo-Moorhead Beez

The Fargo-Moorhead Beez was a professional basketball club based in Fargo, North Dakota that competed in the International Basketball Association that began in the 1995-1996 season. They were the 1995-1996 and the 1997-1998 International Basketball Association champions.

Fargo-Moorhead Jets

The Fargo-Moorhead Jets were a Junior A ice hockey team in the North American Hockey League's central division, and played out of John E. Carlson Coliseum in Fargo, North Dakota. Their inaugural season was 2003–2004 and they folded and were replaced by the Fargo Force of the USHL after the 2007–2008 season.

Fargo-Moorhead Twins

The Fargo-Moorhead Twins were a minor league baseball team that existed from 1933 to 1942 and from 1946 to 1960, representing the neighboring cities of Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota. The Twins won six league championships during their seasons of play.

Fargo-Moorhead Bears

The Fargo-Moorhead Bears were a Tier 1 junior ice hockey team playing in the United States Hockey League . The Bears began playing in the 1995–96, following the folding of the Wisconsin Capitols franchise, leaving the USHL with 11 teams for the season.

Reading City F.C.

Reading City Football Club is a football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. They are currently members of the Combined Counties League Premier Division North and play at the Rivermoor Stadium in the Tilehurst area of Reading.

F.C. Elmstead

F.C. Elmstead is a semi-professional football club based in Elmstead, London, England. They are currently members of the Southern Counties East League Division One and groundshare at Sutton Athletic's Lower Road ground in Hextable.

Golden Threads FC

Golden Threads Football Club is an Indian professional football club based in Kochi, Kerala, that plays in Kerala Premier League, the top division football league in the state of Kerala. They have also played in the I-League Second Division.

Steadfast F.C.

Steadfast Football Club is a Ghanaian professional football club based in Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana that was founded by Ghanaian politician Haruna Iddrisu. As for the season 2020/21, the club competes in Zone One of the Division One League which is the second tier of the football league system in Ghana, and the MTN FA Cup.

Birkenhead Park Cricket Club
Birkenhead Park Cricket Club

Birkenhead Park Cricket Club is a cricket club based in Birkenhead Park in the Wirral on Merseyside, England. The club was founded in 1846 and has one of the oldest cricket pavilions in the country.

Hayes & Yeading United F.C.

Hayes & Yeading United Football Club is an association football club based in Hayes, in the London Borough of Hillingdon, England. The club was formed in 2007 from a merger of Hayes Football Club and Yeading Football Club (founded in 1960).