A brief glimpse into the past

Bechem United 2-3 Accra Hearts of Oak | Highlights | Ghana Premier League
Bechem United 2-3 Accra Hearts of Oak | Highlights | Ghana Premier League

Watch more #GhanaPremierLeague games live on ST Adepa Ch. 247 & StarTimes ON App 📲

EURO 2024: le résumé du match Hongrie - Suisse
EURO 2024: le résumé du match Hongrie - Suisse

La superbe entame de la Suisse dans cet Euro 2024 avec une victoire 3-1 contre la Hongrie. À Cologne, les hommes de Murat Yakin ont parfaitement entamé leur tournoi pour battre les Hongrois et prendre 3 points dans le groupe A. Kwadwo Duah, Michel Aebischer et Breel Embolo ont dessiné le succès suisse. La Suisse affrontera l’Ecosse mercredi à 21h, un match à suivre en direct sur RTS2, notre application RTS Sport et notre site internet! --- 📺 Tous les matches de cet Euro sont à suivre en direct sur notre site internet http://rts.ch/sport et notre application RTS Sport. --- ABONNEZ-VOUS ! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/c/RTSsport --- LE SITE 👉 http://rts.ch/sport INSTAGRAM 👉 http://instagram.com/rtssport FACEBOOK 👉 https://facebook.com/rtssport.ch TWITTER 👉 https://twitter.com/rtssport #euro2024 #highlights #football #rtssport

HOF CH 02 Induction, Michael Jordan Rookie Card
HOF CH 02 Induction, Michael Jordan Rookie Card

Shouldn't the most iconic card actually look iconic? While Wagner, Mantle, and Griffey are all rather mundane cards at least ...

Real Tamale United 0-2 Kumasi Asante Kotoko | Highlights | Ghana Premier League
Real Tamale United 0-2 Kumasi Asante Kotoko | Highlights | Ghana Premier League

Watch more #GhanaPremierLeague games live on ST Adepa Ch. 247 & StarTimes ON App 📲

Day One Highlights | European Athletics Championships | Roma 2024
Day One Highlights | European Athletics Championships | Roma 2024

7 June 2024 -the European Athletics Championships got off to a fantastic start in Rome as the first gold medals were handed out. Hosts Italy win two gold, an inspired Ireland storm to the inaugural mixed 4x400m relay title and Ceh is back on top as Alekna loses the discus title. In the women's shot put, Schilder retains her title and Van Klinken stays on course for a medal double. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for the best European Athletics videos and highlights: https://www.youtube.com/europeanathletics Follow European Athletics: https://www.european-athletics.com/ https://www.instagram.com/europeanathletics/ https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanAthletics https://twitter.com/EuroAthletics https://www.tiktok.com/@europeanathletics https://brnw.ch/EAWhatsApp #EARoma24 #Athletics #EuropeanAthletics #TrackandField

The most iconic gold medal points in volleyball! 🏅🏐
The most iconic gold medal points in volleyball! 🏅🏐

Want to watch live sport and original documentaries for free? Check out our website: https://oly.ch/WatchLiveSport Ever felt the ...

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試合直後の安保瑠輝也が朝倉未来に本音トーク「スダリオのパワーはマジやばい!」| 6.2 BREAKING DOWN12キャッシュバックでABEMAが最安値!

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Borussia Dortmund - Real Madrid | Highlights - Champions League 2023/24 | SRF Sport
Borussia Dortmund - Real Madrid | Highlights - Champions League 2023/24 | SRF Sport

Viel Spass mit den Highlights des Spiels Real Madrid gegen FC Bayern München vom Final der Champions League 2023/24 auf SRF Sport! Tore: 0:1 Carvajal (74.), 0:2 Vinicius Jr. (83.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRF Sport auf TikTok 🤳 https://www.tiktok.com/@srfsport #srfsport auf YouTube abonnieren 📱 https://youtube.com/SRFSport?sub_confirmation=1 SRF Sport App (Android/iOS) 🤖🍏 https://www.srf.ch/sport/allgemein/fuer-ios-und-android-die-srf-sport-app SRF Sport auf Instagram 📸 https://www.instagram.com/srfsport/ SRF Sport auf Twitter 🐦 https://twitter.com/srfsport SRF Sport auf Facebook 👥 http://fb.com/srfsport ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRF Sport ist der offizielle Youtube-Kanal von SRF Sport. Hier findest du ausgewählte Video-Highlights von nationalen und internationalen Top-Events. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Schweizer Sportlerinnen und Sportlern. Weitere Inhalte findest du auf https://www.srf.ch/sport oder in der SRF Sport App für iOS und Android. ___ Netiquette und User Generated Content (UGC): ► https://www.srf.ch/hilfe/rechtliches/netiquette-und-user-generated-content-ugc

Team, Place & City Details

Sepp Maier
Sepp Maier

Josef Dieter "Sepp" Maier is a German former professional football goalkeeper who played for Bayern Munich and the German national football team. Regarded as one of Germany's greatest ever goalkeepers, he was nicknamed "Die Katze von Anzing" ("the cat from Anzing") for his fast reflexes, agility, flexibility, speed, and consistency; in addition to his shot-stopping ability, he was also known for his ability to dominate his box, as well as his sense of humour and personality throughout his career, which made him a fan favourite.

Josef Angermüller

Josef 'Seppi' Angermüller was an international speedway rider.

Sepp van den Berg
Sepp van den Berg

Sepp van den Berg is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as centre-back for English Premier League club Liverpool.


Manuel Francisco dos Santos , nicknamed Mané Garrincha, best known as simply Garrincha (Portuguese pronunciation: [ɡaˈʁĩʃɐ], "little bird"), was a Brazilian footballer who played as a right winger. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest dribblers of all time, and by some, the greatest dribbler ever.

Garin Higgins
Garin Higgins

Garin Higgins is an American football college coach and former player. Higgins is the head football coach at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas, a position he has held since the 2007 season.

Garin Cecchini
Garin Cecchini

Garin Glenn Cecchini is an American former professional baseball third baseman. He made his Major League Baseball (MLB) debut with the Boston Red Sox in 2014.

Seppala Siberian Sleddog
Seppala Siberian Sleddog

A rare working dog breed, the Seppala Siberian Sleddog is developed for the purpose of pulling a sled in cold countries. It is a moderate-sized dog averaging 18 to 23 kg weight and 56 to 58 cm (22 or 23 inches) height.

Sepia apama
Sepia apama

Sepia apama, also known as the giant cuttlefish and Australian giant cuttlefish, is the world's largest cuttlefish species, growing to 50 cm in mantle length and over 10.5 kg (23 lb) in weight. Using cells known as chromatophores, the cuttlefish can put on spectacular displays, changing color in an instant.


Seppiana was a comune in the Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola in the Italian region Piedmont, located about 120 kilometres (75 mi) northeast of Turin and about 30 kilometres (19 mi) northwest of Verbania. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 176 and an area of 5.7 square kilometres (2.2 sq mi).On 1 January 2016 the municipalities of Seppiana and Viganella merged into the municipality of Borgomezzavalle.

Sepia mestus
Sepia mestus

Sepia mestus, also known as the reaper cuttlefish or red cuttlefish, is a species of cuttlefish native to the southwestern Pacific Ocean, specifically Escape Reef off Queensland to Murrays Beach off Jervis Bay (35°08′S 150°46′E). Reports of this species from China and Vietnam are now known to be misidentifications.

Sepp Angerer
Sepp Angerer

Josef "Sepp" Angerer was a rug merchant and art dealer who acted as an agent for Hermann Göring's private art collection, immediately before and during the Second World War. Art that Angerer dealt with for Göring came from a variety of sources: looted, acquired using threats, bought on the open market, and appropriated from museums.

Sepia prashadi
Sepia prashadi

Sepia prashadi, common name hooded cuttlefish, is a widely distributed species of cuttlefish. It has a thin, oval body and grows from 5 to 11 cm.

Seppia gens

The gens Seppia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. Few members of this gens appear in history, but many are known from inscriptions.