A brief glimpse into the past


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Team, Place & City Details

Yulon Luxgen Dinos

The Yulon Luxgen Dinos are a basketball team in the Super Basketball League in Taiwan. It was founded in 1965 by Yulon Motor's Chairman Yen Ching-ling as a First Division amateur basketball team.

Taiwan Beer (basketball)

The Taiwan Beer Basketball Team is a semi-professional basketball team in the Super Basketball League (SBL) in Taiwan sponsored by the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (TTL). Before the privatization of the sponsoring corporation in 1999, the team was named "Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau Golden Dragons" (公賣金龍) and was among the most successful franchises in Taiwan's amateur Division A conference (甲組聯賽).

Taiwan Beer Leopards

The Taiwan Beer Leopards are a Taiwanese professional basketball team based in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. They have competed in the T1 League since the 2021–22 season, and play their home games at the Taoyuan Arena.

Taiwan Beer Leopards all-time roster

The following is a list of players, both past and current, who appeared at least in one game for the Taiwan Beer Leopards or Taoyuan Leopards (2021–2023) franchise.

Taiwan Beer
Taiwan Beer

Taiwan Beer is a large-market beer brewed by the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (TTL). The brand, an icon of Taiwanese culture, began as a monopoly product but has remained the best-selling beer on the island in the era of free trade.

Taiwan Beer (disambiguation)

Taiwan Beer may be:

Formosa Betrayed (film)
Formosa Betrayed (film)

Formosa Betrayed is a 2009 American political thriller film directed by Adam Kane, written by Charlie Stratton, Yann Samuell, Brian Askew, and Nathaniel Goodman, with a story by Will Tiao and Katie Swain, and starring James Van Der Beek. Set in Chicago and Taiwan in the 1980s, the story follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent investigating the murder of a Taiwanese professor at a Midwestern college.