A brief glimpse into the past

馃敶LIVE : Ashdod MS VS Maccabi Tel Aviv | Football Live Score | Israel Premier League
馃敶LIVE : Ashdod MS VS Maccabi Tel Aviv | Football Live Score | Israel Premier League

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Team, Place & City Details

Hapoel Kiryat Ata F.C.
Hapoel Kiryat Ata F.C.

Hapoel Kiryat Ata was an Israeli football club based in Kiryat Ata.

Maccabi Ashdod B.C.
Maccabi Ashdod B.C.

Maccabi Ashdod B.C. is a professional basketball team based in the port city of Ashdod. The team currently plays in the Israeli Premier League.

Maccabi Ironi Ashdod F.C.

Maccabi Ironi Ashdod F.C. , commonly known as Ironi Ashdod, is an Israeli football club based in Ashdod city. In 1999, the club was forced to merge with local rivals Hapoel Ashdod to create F.C. Ashdod (Moadon Sport Ashdod).