A brief glimpse into the past

05/17 統一 VS 台鋼 全場精華
05/17 統一 VS 台鋼 全場精華

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中華職棒35年 例行賽 05/17 #樂天桃猿 VS #中信兄弟 全場精華
中華職棒35年 例行賽 05/17 #樂天桃猿 VS #中信兄弟 全場精華

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Indiana Pacers and New York Knicks NBA Predictions 5/17/24 Brian Bitler Take It To The Bank
Indiana Pacers and New York Knicks NBA Predictions 5/17/24 Brian Bitler Take It To The Bank

Indiana Pacers and New York Knicks NBA Predictions 5/17/24 Brian Bitler Take It To The Bank Get ready for a showdown in ...

PLG LIVE GAME 23-24|240517|1900|桃園璞園領航猿 vs 臺北富邦勇士
PLG LIVE GAME 23-24|240517|1900|桃園璞園領航猿 vs 臺北富邦勇士

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【2024爪嗨賴】05/17 陳俊秀二壘安打開啟攻勢,詹子賢、王政順得點圈適時安打幫助兄弟拿下兩分。CTBC Brothers 中信兄弟

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Team, Place & City Details

Yulon Luxgen Dinos

The Yulon Luxgen Dinos are a basketball team in the Super Basketball League in Taiwan. It was founded in 1965 by Yulon Motor's Chairman Yen Ching-ling as a First Division amateur basketball team.

Bank of Taiwan (basketball)

Bank of Taiwan is a Taiwanese basketball team that plays in the Super Basketball League in Taiwan. The team was established in 1973 by the Bank of Taiwan, and later joined the SBL in 2003.

Bank of Taiwan
Bank of Taiwan

The Bank of Taiwan is a commercial bank headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. It is owned by the government of Taiwan.

Bank of Taiwan Building
Bank of Taiwan Building

The Bank of Taiwan Building is located at No. 16, The Bund, Shanghai, China.

Taian Bank

Bank of Taian Co., Ltd. trading as Taian Bank is a Chinese urban commercial bank based in Tai'an, Shandong Province.