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Kyzylzhar Petropavlovsk VS APOEL Nicosia Live | UEFA Conference League Live
Kyzylzhar Petropavlovsk VS APOEL Nicosia Live | UEFA Conference League Live

UEFA Conference League Live | Kyzylzhar Petropavlovsk VS APOEL Nicosia Live | APOEL Nicosia VS Kyzylzhar Petropavlovsk ...

Messi al COMO? Maradona allo SPARTAK? Leggende metropolitane, PESCI D'APRILE e fake news del calcio!
Messi al COMO? Maradona allo SPARTAK? Leggende metropolitane, PESCI D'APRILE e fake news del calcio!

Da anni circola una leggenda metropolitana secondo cui Lionel Messi avrebbe fatto un provino al Como e sarebbe stato scartato dalla squadra lariana perché troppo esile. Questa è solo una delle fake news che girano nel mondo del calcio. Oggi allora vogliamo cogliere l'occasione del primo aprile per raccontarvi le storie di cinque pesci d'aprile, leggende metropolitane e fake news del mondo del calcio. Dalla finta nazionale togolese che giocò due amichevoli internazionali al portiere a cui un dittatore fece spezzare le braccia, dal pesce d'aprile che voleva Maradona allo Spartak Mosca fino all'incredibile storia del talento moldavo che non esisteva! #messi #messialcomo #pescedaprile Messi al COMO? Maradona allo SPARTAK? Leggende metropolitane, PESCI D'APRILE e fake news del calcio! ► Ti è piaciuto il video? Faccelo sapere iscrivendoti al nostro canale: http://bit.ly/subonefootballitalia ► Ti è piaciuto tanto? Scarica la nostra app: http://bit.ly/AppItalia OneFootball è l'applicazione di calcio più completa ed è disponibile gratuitamente per iOS, Android e Windows Phone! ► Visita il nostro sito: https://www.onefootball.com/it ► Trovaci su Facebook: http://bit.ly/offacebookitalia ► Seguici su Instagram: http://bit.ly/ofinstagramitalia ► Seguici su Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneFootball ► Ascolta il podcast di OneFootball: http://bit.ly/ofpodcast

Pavlodar VK - Esil SK VK. Ulttyq lıgasy (erler). 3-shi týr. Voleıboldan Qazaqstan chempıonaty
Pavlodar VK - Esil SK VK. Ulttyq lıgasy (erler). 3-shi týr. Voleıboldan Qazaqstan chempıonaty

Қазақстан Республикасы чемпионатының ерлер командасы арасындағы Ұлттық лигасының 3-ші жалпы туры.Алматы қаласы. ABB Arena Спорт Сарайы 3rdgeneral tour of National League (men). Volleyball. Kazakhstan Championship. 3-й общий тур Национальной лиги. 27-ой чемпионат Республики Казахстан по волейболу. 15-21 ақпан/february/февраля 2019 «Тараз» «Атырау» «ТНК «Қазхром» (Хромтау) «Манғыстау» (Актау) «Есіл СК» (Петропавловск) «Буревестник» (Алматы) «Алтай» (ВКО) «Павлодар» Ойын кестесі/Расписание игр 20 февраля (среда) 12-00 13 «Павлодар» – «Есиль СК» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 0:3 (Атырау, 1-й тур); 0:3 (Петропавловск, 2-й тур) 14-30 14 «Тараз» – «ТНК «Казхром» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 1:3 (Атырау, Кубок-2018, ¼ финала), 3:0 (Атырау, 1-й тур); 3:1 (Петропавловск, 2-й тур) 16-30 15 «Алтай» – «Мангыстау» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 2:3 (Атырау, Кубок-2018, ¼ финала), 0:3 (Атырау, 1-й тур); 1:3 (Петропавловск, 2-й тур) 18-30 16 «Буревестник» – «Атырау» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 0:3 (Атырау, Кубок-2018), 2:3 (Атырау, 1-й тур); 0:3 (Петропавловск, 2-й тур)

Spartan Race in Russia
Spartan Race in Russia

It's a marathon "HeroRace" like a Spartan race. These competitions are held in Russia. The race covers two different location types: military training grounds (under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Defense) and civilian facilities. Its program also includes special corporate days, encouraging the fee-based participation of business community representatives. The main feature of military-hosted races is the extensive use of blank shots and smoke screens for realistic battle simulation. The obstacle course challenges include crawling under a tank. By contrast, the civilian format of the cross-country race focuses on exploring Russia’s most scenic locations, from ski resorts to recreational parks, mountainsides and valleys. The challenges presented to the contestants are also diverse: monkey bars, climbing walls, army obstacle courses, spring boards, zip lines, and many others. The rules for passing the obstacles are unique for every location. Night HeroRace This version of the extreme obstacle race is held at night. The first trials took place in 2016. In 2017, the new race format was adopted by several Russian regions, with events in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Novosibirsk. The race has a few specific must-have features, such as light shows, torches, and glow-in-the-dark markings. HeroRace. Children The children’s version of the HeroRace debuted in 2015 at the Vorobyovy Gory Pioneers Palace in Moscow. Over 500 children took part in the event. During the next 2 years, the project stagnated, due to difficulties with arranging events for minors. Starting from 2018, the Little HeroRace has been brought back as part of the classical Race, held on a separate obstacle course. Winterhell The first Winterhell Race, hosted by the Heroleague in the European Union, took place on January 20, 2018, at the Nürburgring race track in Germany. The event brought together approximately 1000 participants from a number of countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Russia, and several others. HeroRace Championships This is a special timed event for those who prefer a more competitive challenge. The timing of the race is tracked with the use of professional equipment. This event is also hosted both at military training grounds and civilian locations. There are 4 participation options: solo male, solo female, paired race, and team race. The process of passing the obstacle course is governed by special guidelines, which include a set of rules and penalty points for breaking these rules. Scores are awarded for speed, timing, and technique. The race has an extensive prize pool, formed out of sponsor contributions. History The first, trial HeroRace was held in 2013 on the Alabino military training grounds, with approximately 300 participants. The second race, held in 2014 in Moscow, brought together about 10,000 participants and guests. In 2015, the HeroRace already expanded to 7 cities, which hosted 50 extreme cross-country events overall. The cities were: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, and Yekaterinburg. The total number of participants and spectators reached 50,000. By 2016, the race spanned 16 locations: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Crimea, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Ulan-Ude, Ulyanovsk, Tula, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The events were attended by a total of approximately of 250,000 participants and guests. In 2017, the number of locations increased to 17: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Crimea, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Bryansk, Tula, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vladivostok, Grozny, and Baku. The events brought together roughly 400,000 participants and spectators. The plan for 2018 is to involve 13 host locations: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Vladivostok, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tula, Samara, Crimea, Grozny, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. As of today, the project’s partners include Toyota and Gazprom Media. #crossfit #motivation #SpartanRace

Pavlodar VK - Esil SK VK. Ulttyq lıgasy (erler). 2-shi týr. Voleıboldan Qazaqstan chempıonaty
Pavlodar VK - Esil SK VK. Ulttyq lıgasy (erler). 2-shi týr. Voleıboldan Qazaqstan chempıonaty

Қазақстан Республикасы чемпионатының ерлер командасы арасындағы Ұлттық лигасының 2-ші жалпы туры. Петропавл қаласы. А. Винокуров атындағы Спорт Сарайы 2nd general tour of National League (men). Volleyball. Kazakhstan Championship. 2-ой общий тур Национальной лиги. 27-ой чемпионат Республики Казахстан по волейболу. 08-14 қантар/January/января 2019 «Тараз» «Атырау» «ТНК «Қазхром» (Хромтау) «Манғыстау» (Актау) «Есіл СК» (Петропавловск) «Буревестник» (Алматы) «Алтай» (ВКО) «Павлодар» Ойын кестесі/Расписание игр 13 января (воскресенье) 12-00 13 «Тараз» - «Атырау» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 1:3 (Атырау, Кубок- 2018), 2:3 (Атырау, 1-ый тур) 14-30 14 «Буревестник» - «Мангыстау» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 2:3 (Атырау, Кубок-2018), 1:3 (Атырау, 1-ый тур) 16-30 15 «Алтай» - «ТНК «Казхром» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 0:3 (Атырау, 1-ый тур) 18-30 16 «Павлодар» - «Есиль СК» Результаты встреч в сезоне 2018-2019: 0:3 (Атырау, 1-ый тур) Бас төреші / Главный судья Е. Сырлыбаев

Атырау - Буревестник. 2-ші жартылай финал. Қазақстан Республикасы Кубогі (ерлер) 2018
Атырау - Буревестник. 2-ші жартылай финал. Қазақстан Республикасы Кубогі (ерлер) 2018

The last stage of the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in volleyball among men's teams in Atyrau. The competition will be held on October 16-22. 8 teams participated in the competition divided into 2 groups: Group A. 1. "Atyrau" (1) 2. "Taraz" (4) 3. "Altay" East Kazakhstan region (5) 4. "Esil SK" Petropavl(8) Group B 1. "Pavlodar" (2) 2. "TNC "Kazchrome" Khromtau city (3) 3. Burevestnik Almaty (6) 4. Mangystau Aqtau (7)

Атырау - Павлодар. Қазақстан Республикасы Кубогі (ерлер) 2018. Кубок Казахстана 2018
Атырау - Павлодар. Қазақстан Республикасы Кубогі (ерлер) 2018. Кубок Казахстана 2018

The last stage of the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in volleyball among men's teams in Atyrau. The competition will be held on October 16-22. 8 teams participated in the competition divided into 2 groups: Group A. 1. "Atyrau" (1) 2. "Taraz" (4) 3. "Altay" East Kazakhstan region (5) 4. "Esil SK" Petropavl(8) Group B 1. "Pavlodar" (2) 2. "TNC "Kazchrome" Khromtau city (3) 3. Burevestnik Almaty (6) 4. Mangystau Aqtau (7)