A brief glimpse into the past

Lentigione - Fanfulla 2-4 | Mister Benuzzi
Lentigione - Fanfulla 2-4 | Mister Benuzzi

Intervista post partita a Mister Benuzzi. Lentigione - Fanfulla 2-4.

Highlights Lentigione - Fanfulla 2-4
Highlights Lentigione - Fanfulla 2-4

Highlights del match di domenica 30 aprile 2023: Lentigione - Fanfulla 2-4.

Andrea Chiappella Giana Fanfulla 2-0
Andrea Chiappella Giana Fanfulla 2-0

Il mister non si esalta per i 4 punti di vantaggio e predica calma e sangue freddo per affrontare le ultime tre gare stagionali.

Daniele Pinto Giana Fanfulla 2-0
Daniele Pinto Giana Fanfulla 2-0

Il capitano oltre a pressare in ogni zona del campo e recuperare palloni, si toglie la soddisfazione di realizzare la rete del ...

Edoardo Cizza Giana Fanfulla 2-0
Edoardo Cizza Giana Fanfulla 2-0

Il portiere dei Bianconeri, oggi migliore in campo chiude, alla capolista la porta per 60 minuti con sei parate straordinarie ma si ...

Carpi-Fanfulla 4-1: le parole di mister Contini, Sall e Arrondini
Carpi-Fanfulla 4-1: le parole di mister Contini, Sall e Arrondini

Il Carpi stritola al Cabassi il Fanfulla per 4-1 e festeggia la seconda vittoria casalinga di fila. I biancorossi si sono imposti in ...

AC Carpi vs Fanfulla 4-1: Gli highlights del "Cabassi"
AC Carpi vs Fanfulla 4-1: Gli highlights del "Cabassi"

AC CARPI vs FANFULLA 4-1: HIGHLIGHTS | L'AC Carpi ritrova la vittoria, grazie ad un'ottima ...

Team, Place & City Details


Sant'Angelo is an Italian name for the Archangel Michael.

Sant'Angelo (rione of Rome)
Sant'Angelo (rione of Rome)

Sant'Angelo is the 11th rione of Rome, Italy, located in Municipio I. Often written as rione XI - Sant'Angelo, it has a coat of arms with an angel on a red background, holding a palm branch in its left hand. In another version, the angel holds a sword in its right hand and a scale in its left.Sant'Angelo, the smallest of Rome's rioni, lies along the Tiber river east of Tiber Island.

Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi
Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi

Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi is a town and comune in the province of Avellino in the Campania region of southern Italy. It has been a historical spot of significance in mezzogiorno history.

Sant'Angelo Le Fratte
Sant'Angelo Le Fratte

Sant'Angelo Le Fratte is a town and comune in the province of Potenza, in the Southern Italian region of Basilicata. As of 2011 its population was of 1,457.

Sant'Angelo in Vado
Sant'Angelo in Vado

Sant'Angelo in Vado is a comune , site of Ancient Tifernum Metaurense and former bishopric in the Province of Pesaro e Urbino in the central Italian Adriatic region Marche.

Sant'Angelo in Pontano

Sant'Angelo in Pontano is a comune in the Province of Macerata in the Italian region Marche, located about 60 kilometres (37 mi) south of Ancona and about 25 kilometres (16 mi) south of Macerata. It stands in pleasant position with a panoramic view over the adjacent valleys of Ete Morto river and Tenna river.

Sant'Angelo a Cupolo
Sant'Angelo a Cupolo

Sant'Angelo a Cupolo is a comune in the Province of Benevento in the Italian region Campania, located about 50 km northeast of Naples and about 8 km south of Benevento. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 4,262 and an area of 10.9 km2.

Sant'Angelo Muxaro
Sant'Angelo Muxaro

Sant'Angelo Muxaro is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Agrigento in the Italian region Sicily, located about 70 kilometres (43 mi) south of Palermo and about 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of Agrigento. The town was founded and historically inhabited by the Arbëreshë community.

Sant'Angelo in Pescheria
Sant'Angelo in Pescheria

Sant'Angelo in Pescheria or in Piscaria is a church in Rome. It dates from the 8th century.

Sant'Angelo in Formis
Sant'Angelo in Formis

Sant'Angelo in Formis is an abbey in the municipality of Capua in southern Italy. The church, dedicated to St Michael the Archangel, lies on the western slopes of Monte Tifata.


Luigi Visconti, better known by his stage name Fanfulla, was an Italian actor and comedian.