A brief glimpse into the past

Sestřih a ohlasy: Karviná B - Bohumín
Sestřih a ohlasy: Karviná B - Bohumín

Už jistý nováček MSFL ve svém posledním divizním vystoupení zdolal nedaleký Bohumín 4:2 i díky třem gólům z prvního poločasu ...

Sestřih utkání Karviná - Bohumín
Sestřih utkání Karviná - Bohumín

Karvinští zvítězili v generálce 2:1 a vítězně zakončili zimní přípravu. Na všechny góly se podívejte v našem sestřihu.

SESTŘIH #2 |  SK Jiskra Rýmařov - FK Bospor Bohumín 2:1 (1:1)
SESTŘIH #2 | SK Jiskra Rýmařov - FK Bospor Bohumín 2:1 (1:1)

Sestřih gólových momentů ze záznamu zápasu 8. kola MSD-F ročníku 22/23.

Team, Place & City Details

Bohumil Brhel
Bohumil Brhel

Bohumil "Bo" Brhel is a Czech speedway rider and he won the 2001 Individual European Champion title.

Horní Suchá
Horní Suchá

Horní Suchá is a municipality and village in the Karviná District in the Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic. It has about 4,400 inhabitants.

Bohumil Hrabal
Bohumil Hrabal

Bohumil Hrabal was a Czech writer, often cited as one of the best Czech writers of the 20th century.


Bohumín ; Polish: Bogumin, German: Oderberg) is a town in Karviná District, Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic on the border with Poland. The confluence of the Oder (Odra) and Olza rivers is situated just north of the town.

Bohumil Kubišta
Bohumil Kubišta

Bohumil Kubišta was a Czech painter and art critic, one of the founders of Czech modern painting. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, but left in 1906 to study at the Reale Istituto di Belle Arti in Florence.

Bohumil Říha

Bohumil Říha was a Czech writer best known for children's books. For his lasting contribution to children's literature he received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1980.

Bohumil Shimek

Bohumil Shimek was an American naturalist, conservationist, and a professor at the University of Iowa. The Shimek State Forest in Iowa is named after him.

Bohumir Kryl
Bohumir Kryl

Bohumir Kryl was a Czech-American financial executive and art collector who is most famous as a cornetist, bandleader, and pioneer recording artist, for both his solo work and as a leader of popular and Bohemian bands. He was one of the major creative figures in the era of American music known as the "Golden Age of the Bands".

Bohumil Zemánek
Bohumil Zemánek

Bohumil Zemanek was a Czech sculptor and restorer.

Bohumila Grögerová
Bohumila Grögerová

Bohumila Grögerová was a Czech and Czechoslovak poet, experimental poet, and translator. She translated more than 180 writings from French and German in collaboration with her professional and life partner, Czech poet Josef Hiršal, who died in 2003.

Bohumil Herlischka

Bohumil Herlischka was a Czech opera director. After years at the National Theatre, he worked from 1957 predominantly in German opera houses, introducing a style later known as Regietheater (director's theatre).