Sala de premsa CE L'Hospitalet 1-2 CE Manresa | Diego Quintero
Sala de premsa CE L'Hospitalet 1-2 CE Manresa | Diego Quintero

Declaracions post-partit CE L'Hospitalet 1-2 CE Manresa amb el tècnic Diego Quintero.

Resum CE L'Hospitalet 1-2 CE Manresa
Resum CE L'Hospitalet 1-2 CE Manresa

Resum del partit CE L'Hospitalet 1-2 CE Manresa. Vídeo de TV L'Hospitalet |

Ascens a 2a RFEF futbol del Centre d'Esports Manresa. Així ho viu Ràdio Manresa i #targetataronja
Ascens a 2a RFEF futbol del Centre d'Esports Manresa. Així ho viu Ràdio Manresa i #targetataronja

El Centre d'Esports Mamresa aconsegueix guanyar el campionat de 3a divisió de futbol i ascens directe a 2a RFEF. Aixi ho vam ...

A brief glimpse into the past

El San Cristóbal derrota l'Hospitalet (3-2) i segueix endavant al play-off d'ascens
El San Cristóbal derrota l'Hospitalet (3-2) i segueix endavant al play-off d'ascens

Els de Dani Andreu accedeixen a la següent eliminatòria on es veuran les cares amb el Sant Andreu. Més informació a ...

Sala de Premsa CP San Cristóbal 3-2 CE L'Hospitalet
Sala de Premsa CP San Cristóbal 3-2 CE L'Hospitalet

Declaracions post partit dels tècnics Hèctor Simón i Dani Andreu, i el capità Cristian Gómez. Vídeo de TV L'Hospitalet ...

Sala de Premsa CE L'Hospitalet 1-0 CP San Cristóbal
Sala de Premsa CE L'Hospitalet 1-0 CP San Cristóbal

Declaracions post-partit dels tècnics Hèctor Simón i Daniel Andreu, i els jugadors Miquel Ripoll i Cristian Gómez.

Sala de Premsa FC Vilafranca 3-5 CE L'Hospitalet
Sala de Premsa FC Vilafranca 3-5 CE L'Hospitalet

Declaracions post-partit amb els tècnics Hèctor Simón i Lluís Milà i els jugadors Ton Alcover, Rubén Cruz 'Rubi' Nil Torreguitart.

Team, Place & City Details

CE Manresa

Centre d'Esports Manresa is a Spanish football team based in Manresa, in the autonomous community of Catalonia. Founded in 1916, it plays in Primera Catalana, holding home games at Nou Estadi Municipal del Congost, with a capacity of 3,000 spectators.

L'Hospitalet Pioners

The L'Hospitalet Pioners are a gridiron football team based in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Catalonia (Spain).

L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

L'Hospitalet de Llobregat , often shortened to L'Hospitalet or just L'H, is a municipality of Spain, located to the immediate southwest of Barcelona, in the autonomous community of Catalonia. By population, it is the second largest in Catalonia and the sixteenth in Spain.

L'Hospitalet de l'Infant
L'Hospitalet de l'Infant

L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Catalonia, Spain is coastal suburb of Tarragona, inside the municipality of Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant and southwest of Baix Camp. The town center is on a rocky promontory flanked by an extensive beach called L'Arenal and crossed by the Llastres seasonal river.


L'Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre is a commune in the Ariège department of southwestern France. L'Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre literally translates to "The Hospital Near Andorra".


L'Hospitalet-du-Larzac is a commune in the Aveyron department in southern France, part of the southern Massif central, incorporating part of the Larzac plateau. The economy is agricultural, notably dairy produce , but also beef and mutton production, and rural tourism.

L'Hospitalet, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
L'Hospitalet, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence

L'Hospitalet is a commune in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department in southeastern France.

Avinguda Carrilet station
Avinguda Carrilet station

Avinguda Carrilet, also known as L'Hospitalet Avinguda Carrilet, is an interchange complex underneath Avinguda Carrilet in the L'Hospitalet de Llobregat municipality, to the south-west of Barcelona, in Catalonia, Spain. It consists of a railway station on the Llobregat–Anoia Line and a Barcelona Metro line 1 station.


L'Hospitalet may refer to:

L'Hospitalet Museum
L'Hospitalet Museum

The L’Hospitalet Museum, in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat , is a municipally owned cultural facility that aims to disseminate and conserve the cultural heritage and resources of L'Hospitalet. The museum was opened in 1972 in Casa Espanya, built in the 16th century, and is part of the Barcelona Provincial Council Local Museum Network.

Larzac tablet
Larzac tablet

The Larzac tablet is a lead curse tablet found in 1983 the commune of L'Hospitalet-du-Larzac, Aveyron, southern France. It is now kept in the museum of Millau.