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Tony Twist vs Gord Donnelly (Round 1) - Nov 23, 1989
Tony Twist vs Gord Donnelly (Round 1) - Nov 23, 1989

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

Gord Donnelly vs Basil McRae - Dec 26, 1988
Gord Donnelly vs Basil McRae - Dec 26, 1988

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

Gord Donnelly vs Steve Dykstra - Dec 3, 1987
Gord Donnelly vs Steve Dykstra - Dec 3, 1987

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

Blackhawks vs Blues Brawl - Oct 21, 1995
Blackhawks vs Blues Brawl - Oct 21, 1995

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

Bob Probert vs Greg Smyth - Jan 27, 1994
Bob Probert vs Greg Smyth - Jan 27, 1994

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

Bob Probert vs Donald Brashear - Dec 18, 1993
Bob Probert vs Donald Brashear - Dec 18, 1993

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

Jeremy Roenick vs Bob Probert - Dec 21, 1993
Jeremy Roenick vs Bob Probert - Dec 21, 1993

NHL hockey fights, brawls, scrums, roughs, hits, cheap shots, and other incidents.

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