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McLeod almost gets turnbuckled (plus a bonus clean Kane check for good measure)
McLeod almost gets turnbuckled (plus a bonus clean Kane check for good measure)

Ryan McLeod was almost taken head first into the edge of the last pane of glass where the benches are. Two things saved him: ...

Tyler Myers clean check on Tyson Jost
Tyler Myers clean check on Tyson Jost

Tyler Myers stays low and glides through the process of this hard check to Tyson Jost into the boards.

Darnell Nurse tripping on Josh Morrissey
Darnell Nurse tripping on Josh Morrissey

I'm still looking for the moment Darnell Nurse actually causes Josh Morrissey to fall.

Joel Edmundson clean check on Connor McDavid
Joel Edmundson clean check on Connor McDavid

Even on a penalty kill Joel Edmundson doesn't turn down an opportunity to drive Connor McDavid hard but cleanly into the ...

Ryan Nugent-Hopkins clean check on Josh Manson
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins clean check on Josh Manson

Ryan Nugent-Hopkins shows off some strength on his skates as Josh Manson runs into his back and goes down hard.

Justin Brazeau goal called back for offside after Blues challenge  - Tough Call Review
Justin Brazeau goal called back for offside after Blues challenge - Tough Call Review

According to NHL Rule 83 - Offside, I'm having a lot of trouble understanding why they saw enough to overturn a call of good goal ...

Carolina Hurricanes goaltender interference against the  New Jersey Devils - Tough Call Review
Carolina Hurricanes goaltender interference against the New Jersey Devils - Tough Call Review

The NHL's rule on goaltender interference is one of the most poorly worded and most inconsistently applied rule in all of ...

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