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Cheerleaders Levski - Yambol
Cheerleaders Levski - Yambol

Мажоретките на Левски - Ямбол

CSKA - Levski 0:2 (draft 91)
CSKA - Levski 0:2 (draft 91)

ЦСКА - Левски 0:2 (набор 91) CSKA - Levski 0:2 (draft 91)

Lukoil Academic - Levski 95:87
Lukoil Academic - Levski 95:87

Лукойл Академик - Левски 95:87 Lukoil Academic - Levski 95:87

Levski - Balkan (Botevgrad) 89:76
Levski - Balkan (Botevgrad) 89:76

Левски - Балкан (Ботевград) 89:76 Levski - Balkan (Botevgrad) 89:76

Official opening of the renovated stadium Lazur in Bourgas
Official opening of the renovated stadium Lazur in Bourgas

Официално откриване на реновирания стадион Лазур в Бургас Official opening of the renovated stadium Lazur in Bourgas

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