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Details & Similar Teams

George Schmidt

George Schmidt was an American football defensive end in the National Football League. He played professionally for the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Cardinals.

Schmidt sting pain index
Schmidt sting pain index

The Schmidt sting pain index is a pain scale rating the relative pain caused by different hymenopteran stings. It is mainly the work of Justin O. Schmidt , an entomologist at the Carl Hayden Bee Research Center in Arizona.

Schmitt trigger
Schmitt trigger

In electronics, a Schmitt trigger is a comparator circuit with hysteresis implemented by applying positive feedback to the noninverting input of a comparator or differential amplifier. It is an active circuit which converts an analog input signal to a digital output signal.

Schmidt-Godert Farm
Schmidt-Godert Farm

The Schmidt-Godert Farm is a historic site in Panama City, Florida. It is located at 100 SR 2297.

Georg Schmidt

Georg Schmidt may refer to:

Richard E. Schmidt

Richard Ernest Schmidt was an American architect, a member of the so-called first Chicago School and a near-contemporary of Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan.

Schmidt Glacier (Heard Island and McDonald Islands)
Schmidt Glacier (Heard Island and McDonald Islands)

Schmidt Glacier is a glacier, 0.7 nautical miles (1.3 km) long, flowing west from Baudissin Glacier between Mount Drygalski and North West Cornice, on the west side of Heard Island in the southern Indian Ocean. To the north of Schmidt Glacier is Baudissin Glacier, whose terminus is located at the western side of Corinthian Bay, near Sealers Cove.

Schmidt's Girls College
Schmidt's Girls College

Schmidt's Girls College is an international German school for Christian and Muslim girls, located in East Jerusalem. It was founded in 1886 and approximately 500 pupils attend the school today.

Schmidt Glacier (Antarctica)
Schmidt Glacier (Antarctica)

Schmidt Glacier is a glacier, 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 mi) long, in the Pioneer Heights of the Heritage Range, Ellsworth Mountains in Antarctica. The glacier originates near Hall Peak and drains north along the west side of Thompson Escarpment and Gross Hills to coalesce with the lower part of Splettstoesser Glacier, north of Mount Virginia.

Schmidt Glacier

Schmidt Glacier may refer to:

The Schmidt G.'s Tennis team activities page. Related with social media posts of Schmidt G.'s games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!