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Pierre-Hugues Herbert
Pierre-Hugues Herbert

Pierre-Hugues Herbert is a French professional tennis player. In doubles, he has completed the Career Grand Slam, following titles at the 2015 US Open, the 2016 Wimbledon Championships, the 2018 French Open and the 2019 Australian Open partnering Nicolas Mahut.

Pierre H. Vincent

Pierre H. Vincent, is a Canadian tax lawyer and former politician.

Pierre H. Léger

Pierre H. Léger was a farmer, trader and political figure in New Brunswick, Canada. He represented Kent County in the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick from 1896 to 1900 as a Conservative member.

Pierre H. Dubois
Pierre H. Dubois

Pierre H. Dubois was a Dutch writer and critic. He was awarded the Constantijn Huygens Prize in 1952, for Een houding in de tijd, and again in 1985.

Pierre Hadot
Pierre Hadot

Pierre Hadot was a French philosopher and historian of philosophy specializing in ancient philosophy, particularly Neoplatonism.

Pierre Harmel
Pierre Harmel

Pierre Charles José Marie, Count Harmel was a Belgian lawyer, Christian Democratic politician and diplomat. Harmel served eight months as the 40th Prime Minister of Belgium.

Pierre Huyghe

Pierre Huyghe is a French artist who works in a variety of media from films and sculptures to public interventions and living systems.

Pierre Cadieux

Pierre H. Cadieux, is a lawyer and former Canadian politician. Born in Hudson, Quebec, Cadieux was first elected to the House of Commons of Canada as the Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament for Vaudreuil, Quebec in the 1984 federal election that brought Brian Mulroney to power.

Pierre Hermé
Pierre Hermé

Pierre Hermé is a French pastry chef and chocolatier. Pierre Hermé began his career at the age of 14 as an apprentice to Gaston Lenôtre.

Pierre Hemmer (entrepreneur)
Pierre Hemmer (entrepreneur)

Pierre Hemmer, born on March 8, 1950 in Fribourg and died on (2013-06-26)June 26, 2013 in Mons (Var), was a business leader and executive of the Swiss Confederation, active in particular in the field of the Internet. In 1995, he was, with his firm M&Cnet, the only public service provider in the Canton of Fribourg and many other parts of Switzerland.He spoke widely at conferences and in the media on the projected impact on society, health, education, economics, management, transport, and communication from the advent of new information and communications technology.

The Pierre H.'s Tennis team activities page. Related with social media posts of Pierre H.'s games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!