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Details & Similar Teams

Mihail Marin
Mihail Marin

Mihail Marin is a Romanian chess Grandmaster. As of July 2011, his FIDE rating is 2548.

Mihail Dudaš
Mihail Dudaš

Mihail Dudaš is a Serbian decathlete and heptathlete. He holds national records in both events.

Mihai Eminescu
Mihai Eminescu

Mihai Eminescu ; born Mihail Eminovici; 15 January 1850 – 15 June 1889) was a Romantic poet, novelist, and journalist, generally regarded as the most famous and influential Romanian poet, as well as the first modern poet in Romanian literature. Eminescu was an active member of the Junimea literary society and worked as an editor for the newspaper Timpul ("The Time"), the official newspaper of the Conservative Party (1880–1918).

Mihail Manoilescu
Mihail Manoilescu

Mihail Manoilescu was a Romanian journalist, engineer, economist, politician and memoirist, who served as Foreign Minister of Romania during the summer of 1940. An active promoter of and contributor to fascist ideology and anti-Semitic sentiment, he was a financial backer of the Iron Guard in the late 1930s.

Mihailo Marković
Mihailo Marković

Mihailo Marković, PhD was a Serbian philosopher who gained prominence in the 1960s and 1970s as a proponent of the Praxis School, a Marxist humanist movement that originated in Yugoslavia. A co-author of the SANU Memorandum, Marković was a prominent supporter of Slobodan Milošević in the late 1980s and 1990s.

Mihajlo D. Mesarovic

Mihajlo D. Mesarovic is a Serbian scientist, who is a professor of Systems Engineering and Mathematics at Case Western Reserve University. Mesarovic has been a pioneer in the field of systems theory, he was UNESCO Scientific Advisor on Global change and also a member of the Club of Rome.

Mihail Dolgan

For the musician with a similar name, see Mihai Dolgan.Mihail Dolgan was a professor and researcher from Moldova, member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Mihail Mikov
Mihail Mikov

Mihail Raykov Mikov is a Bulgarian politician who was Chairman of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) from 2014 to 2016. He is a parliamentarian with six consecutive terms as a deputy in the National Assembly.

Mihail Dragomirescu
Mihail Dragomirescu

Mihail Dragomirescu was a Romanian aesthetician, literary theorist and critic. Born in Plătărești, Călărași County, he completed primary school in his native village in 1881, followed by Bucharest's Gheorghe Lazăr Gymnasium and Saint Sava High School from 1881 to 1889.

Mihailo Milovanović
Mihailo Milovanović

Mihailo Milovanović was a Serbian painter, sculptor and writer. He was one of the founders of the Association of Painters of Serbia (Udruženja likovnih umetnika Srbije).

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