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Details & Similar Teams

Huang Tingjian
Huang Tingjian

Huang Tingjian was a Chinese calligrapher, painter, and poet of the Song dynasty. He is predominantly known as a calligrapher, and is also admired for his painting and poetry.

Huang Ta-chou
Huang Ta-chou

Huang Ta-chou , also known as Thomas Huang, is a Taiwanese politician who served as mayor of Taipei between 1990 and 1994. He chaired the Chinese Taipei Olympic committee from 1998 to 2006.

Huang Teng-hui
Huang Teng-hui

Robert Huang Teng-hui is a Taiwanese artist and entrepreneur. Huang was born 1959 in Hualien, Taiwan.

Huang Tsung Hsing

Huang Tsung Hsing (May 27, 1920 – October 28, 1976) was a Chinese actor. He appeared in two films with superstar Bruce Lee such as Fist of Fury as Cook Tien and The Way of The Dragon as Uncle Wang.

Huang Tingting
Huang Tingting

Huang Tingting is a Chinese idol singer. She is a member of Team NII of Chinese idol group SNH48, of which she served as vice-captain from February 13, 2015 to December 22, 2017.

Huang Tu-shui
Huang Tu-shui

Huang Tu-shui was a pioneer of modern sculptor in Taiwan. From his youth, Huang was familiar with the traditional carving of Taiwan, and was influenced by modern Western styles during his studies in Tokyo.

Huang Chung-yuan

Huang Chung-yuan is a Taiwanese politician. He was a member of the Taiwan Solidarity Union for most of his two-term stint in the Legislative Yuan and served the party as its acting chairman from December 2004 to January 2005.

Huang Teh-fu

Huang Teh-fu is a Taiwanese political scientist and politician who served in the Legislative Yuan from 2002 to 2008.

Huang Tien-fu

Huang Tien-fu is a Taiwanese politician.

Huangtong Subdistrict
Huangtong Subdistrict

Huangtong Subdistrict is an urban subdistrict in Puding County, Guizhou, China.

The Huang T.'s Tennis team activities page. Related with social media posts of Huang T.'s games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!