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Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia
Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia

The Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia was a nominally autonomous kingdom and constitutionally defined separate political nation within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, created in 1868 by merging the kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia following the Croatian–Hungarian Settlement of 1868. It was associated with the Hungarian Kingdom within the dual Austro-Hungarian state, being within the Lands of the Crown of St.


Horváth is a common Hungarian surname. "Horváth" is the 2nd or 4th most common surname in Hungary and the most common in Slovakia.


Horvat is the most frequent surname in Croatia and Slovakia, 2nd most frequent in Slovenia and 5th most frequent surname in Hungary. The surname originates in Croatia, Horvat being the older version of the word Hrvat, an autonym used by Croats.

Horvath's rock lizard
Horvath's rock lizard

Horvath's rock lizard is a species of lizard in the family Lacertidae. The species is endemic to Europe.


Horvátlövő is a village in Vas county, Hungary.


Horvatia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains only one known species, Horvatia andicola, which is endemic to Ecuador.

Horvat Galil
Horvat Galil

Horvat Galil is an archaeological site in the Upper Galilee, Israel, 13 kilometres from the coast of the Mediterranean.It was first excavated in 1986 by Professors Avi Gopher and Israel Hershkovitz and consisted of an upper Byzantine layer over a more extensive PPNB layer with which the excavations were primarily concerned. 60 square metres (650 sq ft) were initially exposed and dwellings of mud bricks and lime plaster floors were examined.

Horváth & Partners

Horváth & Partners is an independent, international management consulting company with about 1000 employees worldwide and over 180 million Euro in sales. The company was founded in Stuttgart in 1981 and currently has thirteen offices in Germany , Austria (Vienna), Hungary (Budapest), Romania (Bucharest), Switzerland (Zurich), Saudi Arabia (Riyadh), and the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai).


Horvatovi is a Croatian telenovela produced by RTL Televizija. It is an original story, produced in 2015, and starring Bojana Gregorić Goran Navojec Bojan Navojec Ljubomir Kerekeš.

Horvat Uza
Horvat Uza

Horvat Uza is an archaeological site located in the northeast of the Negev desert in Israel. The site is located in the east of the Arad valley and overlooks the Qinah nahal.

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