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Details & Similar Teams

Feliciano López
Feliciano López

Feliciano López Díaz-Guerra is a Spanish professional tennis player on the ATP Tour. He was born in Toledo and now lives in the Spanish capital, Madrid.

Feliciano Rivilla
Feliciano Rivilla

Feliciano Muñoz Rivilla was a Spanish footballer who played as a right back. He spent the better part of his 16-year senior career with Atlético Madrid, playing 356 competitive games and scoring seven goals.

Feliciano Magro

Feliciano "Felix" Magro is a former Italian–Swiss footballer. Magro's father is from Capo d'Orlando, Sicily and his mother is from Lucerne.

Feliciano Belmonte Jr.
Feliciano Belmonte Jr.

Fernando Feliciano "Sonny" Racimo Belmonte Jr. is a member of the Philippine House of Representatives representing the Fourth District of Quezon City.

Feliciano Chiclana
Feliciano Chiclana

Feliciano Antonio Chiclana was an Argentine lawyer, soldier, and judge.

Feliciano Béjar
Feliciano Béjar

Feliciano Benares was called Chano by everyone I knew who lived in his self-built compound in Mexico City .My wife and I, my daughter, and my cousin and his wife were there in 1962, though my cousin was there before and after my stay. Martin Foley lived on the grounds in a small house.

Feliciano Ama
Feliciano Ama

José Feliciano Ama was an indigenous peasant leader, a Pipil from Izalco in El Salvador, who participated and died in the 1932 Salvadoran peasant uprising. Ama had his lands taken by the wealthy coffee planting family, the Regalados, during which he was hung by his thumbs and beaten.

Feliciano Canaveris

Feliciano Canaveris was an Argentine military officer, who participated in the civil wars in Argentina between the unitarios and the federales. He was discharged from the Federal army in 1835, being murdered years later in the Banda Oriental by order of Manuel Oribe.

Feliciano Miguel Abdala Private Natural Heritage Reserve
Feliciano Miguel Abdala Private Natural Heritage Reserve

Feliciano Miguel Abdala Private Natural Heritage Reserve , formerly the Fazenda Montes Claros and then the Caratinga Biological Station, is a privately owned sustainable-use protected area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It contains an example of Atlantic Forest biome.

Feliciano Amaral

Feliciano Amaral was a Brazilian pastor and Christian singer.

The Feliciano A.'s Tennis team activities page. Related with social media posts of Feliciano A.'s games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!