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Gröna Lund
Gröna Lund

Gröna Lund , or colloquially Grönan (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈɡrø̂ːnan]), is an amusement park in Stockholm, Sweden.

Feit–Thompson theorem

In mathematics, the Feit–Thompson theorem, or odd order theorem, states that every finite group of odd order is solvable. It was proved by Walter Feit and John Griggs Thompson .

Feit–Thompson conjecture

In mathematics, the Feit–Thompson conjecture is a conjecture in number theory, suggested by Walter Feit and John G. Thompson . The conjecture states that there are no distinct prime numbers p and q such that p q − 1 p − 1 {\displaystyle {\frac {p^{q}-1}{p-1}}} divides q p − 1 q − 1 {\displaystyle {\frac {q^{p}-1}{q-1}}} .If the conjecture were true, it would greatly simplify the final chapter of the proof (Feit & Thompson 1963) of the Feit–Thompson theorem that every finite group of odd order is solvable.


Feit–Thompson may refer to:

Fritt Folk

Fritt Folk was a Norwegian newspaper, published in Oslo. It was the official organ of the fascist party Nasjonal Samling, and came to prominence during the Second World War.

Fritt Folk (Communist)

Fritt Folk was a Norwegian newspaper, published in Høyanger in Sogn og Fjordane county.

The Feitt F.'s Tennis team activities page. Related with social media posts of Feitt F.'s games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!