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Alexander Belyaev
Alexander Belyaev

Alexander Romanovich Belyaev was a Soviet Russian writer of science fiction. His works from the 1920s and 1930s made him a highly regarded figure in Russian science fiction, often referred to as "Russia's Jules Verne".


Belyayev or Belyayeva (feminine) is a Russian patronymic surname derived from the nickname Belyay/Belyai (Беляй), for white (blond) hair. The surname may refer to: PeopleAlexander Belyaev, Russian author of science fiction Anatoly Belyayev, Soviet scientist in the field of metallurgy Dmitry Belyayev (disambiguation), several people Evgeny Belyaev, Soviet tenor soloist with the Alexandrov Ensemble Ivan Belyayev (disambiguation), several people Maria Rüdiger-Belyaeva mother of John Shalikashvili Mikhail Belyaev, Russian statesman, military figure, and infantry general Mitrofan Belyayev, Russian entrepreneur and music publisher Nikolai Belyaev (1903-1966), Soviet Communist Party leader Pavel Belyayev, Russian cosmonaut Sergey Belyayev, Kazakhstani shooter Spartak Belyaev, Soviet physicist and academician Vadim Belyaev, Russian banker Volodymyr Byelyayev, Soviet Olympic gold medalist in volleyball in 1968 Vladimir Belyaev (weightlifter), Soviet Olympic silver medalist in weightlifting in 1968 Vladimir Belyayev (footballer), Soviet international footballer Vladimir Pavlovich Belyaev, Soviet/Ukrainian writer Yevgeny Belyayev, Soviet/Russian skier Yury Belyayev (b.

Nina Belyaeva

Nina Yurievna Belyaeva is a Russian public policy researcher, PhD, professor and head of the Public Policy Department. at National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE), Moscow, Russia.

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