Opss! Ansari A. has no away matches on the eDayFm!
Opss! Ansari A. has no scheduled matches on the eDayFm!

Details & Similar Teams

Anousheh Ansari
Anousheh Ansari

Anousheh Ansari is an Iranian American engineer and co-founder and chairwoman of Prodea Systems. Her previous business accomplishments include serving as co-founder and CEO of Telecom Technologies, Inc.

Ansari X Prize
Ansari X Prize

The Ansari X Prize was a space competition in which the X Prize Foundation offered a US$10,000,000 prize for the first non-government organization to launch a reusable crewed spacecraft into space twice within two weeks. It was modeled after early 20th-century aviation prizes, and aimed to spur development of low-cost spaceflight.

Ansar al-Islam
Ansar al-Islam

Ansar al-Islam or Ansar al-Islam fi Kurdistan (Arabic: أنصار الإسلام في كردستان‎ Anṣār al-Islām fī Kurdistān), also referred to as AAI, is a Sunni Muslim insurgent group in Iraq and Syria. It was established in Iraqi Kurdistan by former al-Qaeda members in 2001 as a Salafist Islamist movement that imposed a strict application of Sharia in villages it controlled around Biyara to the northeast of Halabja, near the Iranian border.

Ansar al-Sharia (Libya)
Ansar al-Sharia (Libya)

Ansar al-Sharia in Libya was a Salafist Islamist militia group that advocated the implementation of strict Sharia law across Libya. Ansar al-Sharia came into being in 2011, during the Libyan Civil War.

Ansar Bait al-Maqdis
Ansar Bait al-Maqdis

Ansar Bait al-Maqdis , or Ansar Al-Quds ("Supporters of Jerusalem"), was the name of a jihadist extremist militant group based in Egypt. From 2011 to 2013, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis operated in the Sinai Peninsula, focused its efforts on Egypt and the gas pipeline to Jordan, with a handful attacks directed towards Israel.

Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
Khwaja Abdullah Ansari

Abu Ismaïl Abdullah al-Herawi al-Ansari or Abdullah Ansari of Herat (Persian: خواجه عبدالله انصاری‎) also known as Pir-i Herat (پیر هرات) "Sage of Herat", was a Muslim Sufi saint who lived in the 11th century in Herat (then Khorasan, now Herat province, Afghanistan). One of the outstanding figures in Khorasan in the 5th/11th century: commentator of the Qur'an, traditionist, polemicist, and spiritual master, known for his oratory and poetic talents in Arabic and Persian.

Ansar (Islam)

Ansar or Ansari (Arabic: الأنصار‎ al-Anṣār, "The Helpers") were the local inhabitants of Medina who, in Islamic tradition, took the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers (the Muhajirun) into their homes when they emigrated from Mecca during the hijra. They belonged to two main tribes of Azd, the Banu Khazraj and the Banu Aus.

Ansar-e Hezbollah

Ansar-e Hezbollah is a conservative paramilitary organization in Iran.

Ansar al-Din Front
Ansar al-Din Front

Jabhat Ansar al-Din is a jihadist alliance that announced itself on 25 July 2014, during the Syrian Civil War. The alliance contains two groups: Harakat Sham al-Islam and Harakat Fajr ash-Sham al-Islamiya; it had declared that was not affiliated with any other "parties".

Ansar al-Tawhid (Syria)
Ansar al-Tawhid (Syria)

Ansar al-Tawhid is an armed insurgent group affiliated with al-Qaeda and fighting in the Syrian Civil War. The group is made up of former Jund al-Aqsa members.

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