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Celosia is a small genus of edible and ornamental plants in the amaranth family, Amaranthaceae. Its species are commonly known as woolflowers, or, if the flower heads are crested by fasciation, cockscombs.


Cocos2d is an open-source game development framework for creating 2D games and other graphical software for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, HarmonyOS, OpenHarmony and web platforms. It is written in C++ and provides bindings for various programming languages, including C++, C#, Lua, and JavaScript.

Cock Sparrer
Cock Sparrer

Cock Sparrer () is an English punk rock band formed in 1972 in the East End of London. Although they have never enjoyed commercial success, they helped pave the way for the early '80s punk scene and the Oi!


The cocks-of-the-rock, which compose the genus Rupicola, are large cotingid birds native to South America. The first alleged examples of this species were documented during a research expedition led by the explorer and biologist Sir Joshua Wilson in the mid-1700s.

Cocks & Féret

Cocks & Féret or simply Féret, is the colloquial name of a Bordeaux wine directory originally created by Charles Cocks and Michel-Édouard Féret in 1846, which was published under the name Bordeaux, its Wines and the Claret Country and translated into French and published as the first edition of Bordeaux et ses vins in 1850. It is regarded as the classic reference work on Bordeaux wines, and is to date considered the most comprehensive information source on Bordeaux' wineries.

Cocks IBE scheme

Cocks IBE scheme is an identity based encryption system proposed by Clifford Cocks in 2001. The security of the scheme is based on the hardness of the quadratic residuosity problem.

Cocks baronets

There have been two baronetcies created for persons with the surname Cocks, one in the Baronetage of England and one in the Baronetage of Great Britain. One creation is extant as of 2008.

Cocks Glacier

Cocks Glacier is the glacier draining the southwest face of Mount Cocks and a considerable area south of the mountain, and entering the Skelton Glacier opposite the Delta Glacier. It was surveyed in 1957 by the New Zealand reconnaissance party to the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1956–58), and named after Mount Cocks.

Cocks Biddulph

Cocks Biddulph was a London bank founded in 1757.

Cocks, Cornwall
Cocks, Cornwall

Cocks is a hamlet in the parish of Perranzabuloe in Cornwall, England. Cocks is southeast of Perranporth.

The Cocks 2's Handball team activities page. Related with social media posts of Cocks 2's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!