Vratislavice nad Nisou Team Activity Highlights on Social Media

Projekt Náš fotbal živě slaví jubilejní třicátý zápas.⚽️🥳 Utkají se v něm Vratislavice nad Nisou a Cvikov. Utkání sledujte zítra od 10:00 živě na 📺 ČT sport.

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Vratislavice nad Nisou
Vratislavice nad Nisou

Vratislavice nad Nisou is a district of the city of Liberec, in the north of the Czech Republic. It has around 6,700 inhabitants and straddles the Nisa river between Liberec and Jablonec, around 3.5 km south-east of Liberec city centre.

The Vratislavice nad Nisou's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Vratislavice nad Nisou's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!