Kakkonen / Lohko C Tornio, 22.7.2023 Kuvaus, editointi & haastattelut: Otto Eskola Grafiikka: Kalle Kemilä Musiikki: Infraction ...
Kakkosen ottelun huippuhetket Kokkolan keskuskentältä. GBK - TP-47 2 - 2 (2-0) 1-0 Felix Ferreira Felipe 15' 2-0 Kytölaakso ...
Ottelun jälkeisessä lehdistötilaisuudessa mukana TP-47:n pelaaja Niklas Kärkelä päävalmentaja Janne Oksala sekä GBK:n ...
Dekofloor ottelukooste eilisestä ottelusta, jossa AC Oulu kohtasi Suomen Cupissa torniolaisen TP-47:n. Laivastonsiniset veivät ...
Rönkä jälkipeleissä puolustaja Noah Pallaksen ja päävalmentaja Ricardo Duarten mietteet eilisen Suomen Cupin ottelun jälkeen.
Tornion Pallo −47 is a Finnish football club, based in the town of Tornio. It currently plays in the Finnish Second Division (Kakkonen).
The Douglas C-47 Skytrain or Dakota is a military transport aircraft developed from the civilian Douglas DC-3 airliner. It was used extensively by the Allies during World War II and remains in front line service with various military operators.
The following is a list of fictional Star Wars terrestrial vehicles, including armoured fighting vehicles, military aircraft, and naval ships.
LAM Mozambique Airlines Flight 470 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Maputo International Airport, Mozambique that crashed on 29 November 2013 into the Bwabwata National Park in Namibia en route to Quatro de Fevereiro Airport, Angola. The aircraft operating the flight, an Embraer 190, departed Maputo at 11:26 CAT and was due to land at 14:10 WAT (13:10 UTC), but failed to arrive at its destination.
The Cessna Citation II series of Citation jets are light corporate jets built by Cessna. Stretched from the Citation I, it was announced in September 1976, first flew on January 31, 1977 was certified in March 1978.
The AN/TPS-75 is a transportable passive electronically scanned array air search 3D radar produced in the United States. It was originally designated the TPS-43E2.
The T 47 class or Surcouf class were the first destroyers built for the French Navy after the Second World War. Twelve ships were built between 1955 and 1957.
TAP Flight 425 was a regular flight from Brussels, Belgium, to Santa Catarina Airport , Portugal, with an intermediate scheduled stop in Lisbon. On November 19, 1977, the Boeing 727 operating the service overran the airport's runway before crashing onto the nearby beach and exploding, killing 131 of the 164 people on board.
The TP-70 was a double-action pocket pistol in .22 and .25 calibre, designed by West German firearm designer Edgar Budischowsky, based on an amalgamation of Colt and Walther designs. It was initially produced by Korriphilia in Heidelberg, and later produced by Norton Armaments of Mount Clemens, Michigan, as the TP-22, or "Budischowsky" from 1973-1977; the Michigan models were of better quality than later models made in Florida and Utah.
T-47D is a human breast cancer cell line commonly used in biomedical research involving the hormonal expression of cancer cells.
The TP-47's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of TP-47's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!