Opss! Subingen has no away matches on the eDayFm!
Opss! Subingen has no scheduled matches on the eDayFm!

Details & Similar Teams


Subingen is a municipality in the district of Wasseramt in the canton of Solothurn in Switzerland.


Sulingen is a town in the district of Diepholz, Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated approximatively 30 km east of Diepholz, and 45 km south of Bremen.

Su Bingwen
Su Bingwen

Su Bingwen (September 1892 – May 1975), was a Chinese military leader. Graduating from officers school in 1914 he joined the Model Regiment as a platoon leader in 1916, became a company commander, and then battalion commander.

The Subingen's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Subingen's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!